Current Issue

    31 January 2011, Volume 33 Issue 1
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  • Herbert Pllmann
    . 2011, (1):  1-10. 
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    New methods and improved techniques are increasingly used for better investigation of
    hydration reactions and also for testing of properties. This paper describes the use and application of cryomicroscopy, insitu Xray technology and calorimetry for investigation of hydration reactions of cements and building materials.
  • 材料科学与工程
  • XIONG Yuli,CHEN Hongping,LOU Xianchun,ZHAO Xiuji
    . 2011, (1):  11-13. 
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    Li0.33La0.56TiO3 thin films were prepared by radiofrequency magnetron sput
    tering at different substrate temperatures from a ceramic target of Li0.33La0.56TiO3. XRD, AFM, AC impedance spectrum, UV
    Vis were utiliz
    ed to investigate the influences of substrate temperature on the morphological,
    optical and electrochemical properties of Li0.33La0.56TiO3 thin fi
    lms. The resul
    ts indicate that Li0.33La0.56TiO3 thin films have amorphous struct
    ure and high t
    ransmission in the range of visible wavelength; the thin films obtain sm
    oother surface and higher ionic conductivity with the increase of substrate temp
    erature from 50 ℃ to 300 ℃.
  • WU Jianfeng, YE Weiwei, XU Xiaohong,RAO Zhenggang, CHENG Hao, GE Haipeng
    . 2011, (1):  14-17. 
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    Eu3+doped nanometer TiO2 powder was synthesized by solgel method. The photocatalystic activity was evaluated by photocatalystic degradation of methylene blue.The effects of amount of TiO2 powder, the initial concentration of methylene blue, the pH value, the doping amount of rareearth and heating temperature on photocatalystic activity of the samples were discussed. The results indicated that photocatalystic activity was the best when the addition amount is 0.15 g/50 mL, the initial concentration is 10 mg/L and the pH value is 7; optimal doping amount (molar ratio) was n(Eu3+)∶n(TiO2)=0.5%, when heated at 500~ 550 ℃, the photocatalystic properties could be enhanced. The degradation rate has reached to 88.16% after 4 hours’ reaction. It showed better photocatalystic properties than the undoped TiO2.
  • CHEN Shuwen,WANG Yanbing,HUANG Zhixiong,ZHANG Chao
    . 2011, (1):  18-21. 
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    Using ultrasonic dispersion method, the synthesized mesoporous silica SBA15 can fully dispersed in the epoxy resin, and then we can get SBA15/epoxy composite materials. Condition of the filler dispersion in the resin was investigated by XRD analysis;meanwhile, characteristics of epoxy resin were researched by dielectrics constant and thermal gravimetric analysis. The research shows that SBA15 filler can improve the thermal stability of epoxy resin and reduce its dielectric constant.
  • LI Qi,WU Xiaoyan,DONG Lijie,HUANG Jing,SHANG Xuemei,XIE Haian,XIONG Chuanxi
    . 2011, (1):  22-27. 
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    Solventfree SiO2 nanofluid was prepared via a fast ion extraction pro
    cess. Fouriertransform infrared spectrum (FTIR), thermal gravimetric analysis
    TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (
    TEM) and rheological property measurement were employed to characterize the as
    repared solventfree SiO2 nanofluid. The results showed that a complete ion e
    ange could be achieved, and the flowable product exhibited a stable monodispersity
    as well as a relatively high electrical conductivity. Solventfree SiO2 nano
    id was introduced into polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by different amounts to produce a
    series of solventfree SiO2 nanofluid /PVC composites via melt blend, and th
    e d
    ielectric constant and electrical conductivity of these composites were investig
    ated. The results demonstrated that the solventfree SiO2 nanofluid was promi
    sing as an antistatic agent.
  • YAN Ming1,CHEN Yanlin1,MEI Bingchu2,ZHU Jiao
    . 2011, (1):  28-32. 
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    Introduction of 15% TiN as reinforcement into the Ti2AlN matrix of Ti/Al/TiN,
    Ti2AlN/TiN composite was prepared by insitu hot pressing (HP) and sp
    ark plasma sintering (SPS). Xray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze the pha
    e composition. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanal
    sis (EPMA) coupled with energydispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were utilized to i
    vestigate the morphology characteristics. The density of Ti2AlN/TiN prepared
    the optimal synthetic temperature 1 300 ℃ by HP was measured to be 4.30 g/cm
    which reached 96.2% of its theory densities. The density of Ti2AlN prepared a
    the optimal synthetic temperature 1 200 ℃ by SPS was measured to be 4.23 g/cm
    , which reached 94.7% of its theory densities. The particles of Ti2AlN and TiN
    ere agglomerated. Ti2AlN phase was welldeveloped with a close and lamellated
    ructure; TiN grains were small tetragonal particles having the sizes of 1~2 μm
  • HU Yuanyuan, ZHANG Chaocan, CHEN Yanjun, LI Chunyan, HU L
    . 2011, (1):  33-36. 
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    The effects of adding the fluorinated acrylate copolymer in fluorinate
    d/nonfluorinated polyacrylate latex blend on the surface property, gradient st
    ucture and compatibility of the blend film were studied by surface free energy t
    esting, adhesion test, DSC and SEMEDX. The results showed that the compatibili
    y of the blend system was improved after adding the copolymers. The increasing o
    f the fluorine content of copolymer was beneficial to the formation of gradient
    structure. The copolymer had little influence on the surface property of the fil
    ms. After heat treatment, the fluorinated polyacrylates were rich on the filmair interface and the a
    rylate copolymers were rich on the filmglass interface of the blend films, t
    he adhesive attraction of films to glass was reached grade 2.
  • WANG Yifeng,JIANG Yanping,YAO Xiangyu,CHEN Yanjun
    . 2011, (1):  37-40. 
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    n this work, the coreshell acrylic copolymer latexes are prepared by using re
    active emulsifier COPSI and anion emulsifier CO436. The effects such
    as the feeding method, the mass ratio of monomers (MMA, St, BA, AA), the amount of the initiator APS, and the seed emulsion, and the emulsifiers COPSI and CO
    36 on the properties of acrylic copolymer latexes and films are studied. The res
    ults show that the acrylic copolymer latexes and films with better integrative p
    roperties are obtained, when the feeding method of shell monomer is starved semi
    continuous, the mass ratio of monomers MMA, St, BA, and AA is 18∶16∶14∶1, the
    amount of seed emulsion is 10%, the mass ratio
    of COPSI and CO436 is 4∶1, the amount of APS is 0.5%~0.7%.
  • HAN Liguo,ZUO Chenggang,TANG Wubiao,LUO Zhiwei,LU Anxian
    . 2011, (1):  41-44. 
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    The transparent oxyfluoride glasses in 45SiO225Al2O315CaF25Na2O
    10NaF1Nd2O3 system containing Nd3+ ions were prepared by convention
    al meltquenchi
    ng method and the transparent oxyfluoride glassceramics was achieved by optimi
    ed heat treatment. The crystallization mechanism of 45SiO225Al2O315CaF
    25Na2O10NaF1Nd2O3 system glass was analyzed by kinetics method. Th
    e effect of heat tr
    eating conditions on the crystallization behavior and the microstructure of glas
    sceramic in present system were studied by differential thermal analysis (DSC)
    Xray diffraction (XRD) analysis and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The r
    sults show that the main crystal phase of the glass ceramics is CaF2 and its c
    stallization activation energy is 325.51 kJ/mol. The size of CaF2 grains grows
    ith the increase of crystallization temperature and its volume increases with lo
    nger holding time. A novel transparent Nd3+doped glassceramics is obt
    ained by optimizing heat treatment, of which the grain size is less than 40 nm an
    d the crystallization degree is about 30%.
  • POON Chisun,ZHAO Hui,KOU Shicong
    . 2011, (1):  45-51. 
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    The use of radiation is common in many fields of applications including in nuclear reactors,different types of industries and medicine. The potential impact of radiation on the environment and human health are of significant concern. This article presents a review of research efforts that have been made on developing radiation shield concrete in China and overseas countries. The review covers raw materials selection, effects of mineral admixtures on concrete properties,mix design, and longterm performance of the concrete. The current problems and research gasps are analyzed. A new technique of utilizing crushed leaded glass derived from waste cathode ray tubes (CRT) is proposed for the development of the radiation shielding concrete.
  • MA Baoguo, LI Gaoming, LI Xiangguo, TAN Hongbo, LI Zhenggang
    . 2011, (1):  52-55. 
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    After compounding sodium gluconate with polycarboxylate type superplasticizer, this paper studies the compound’s influence on the fluidity properties, setting time, strength of cement paste of normal consistent cement paste,as well as the compounding of polycarboxylate type superplasticizers with sodium gluconate on cement hydration heat, at the same time using XRD analyse the hydration products. The results showed that appropriate amount of sodium gluconate can significantly improve the dispersion and dispersion retention of polycarboxylate superplasticizer, improve the adaptability of cement and polycarboxylate type superplasticizers, delay the setting time, increase the strength of 3 d、7 d in early hydration; Dispersion retention sodium gluconate used can postpone the second temperature peak two hours, however, the value of temperature peak and cement hydration heat had not been changed, compared with the situation of sodium gluconate used separately, the quantity of 1 d、7 d CH in early hydration was reduced. If the sodium gluconate used together with the polycarboxylate type superplasticizers, then it can postpone the temperature summit time of the hydration fifteen hours, make the temperature peak of hydration increased. But the quantity of 1 d、7 d CH in early hydration was increased, compared with the singledoped sodium gluconate.
  • LIU Jun,XING Feng,DONG Biqin,DING Zhu
    . 2011, (1):  56-59. 
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    In this paper, the survey of basic environmental parameters at coastal
    saltfog zone is applied. Using simulating salt environment, the deposition pr
    perties of the chloride ion in concrete are researched with different mixture ra
    tio of concrete specimens. Research results show that watercement ratio of con
    rete has a great impact to the chloride ion in the deposition of the concrete su
    rface; with the watercement ratio increasing, the amount of chloride ions, whi
    h deposited on the concrete surface, are also increases. In the experiment, the
    concept of environmental factors is introduced. A modified Fick's second law is
    derived and an analytical solution is obtained. The experimental results show th
    at in the simulating environment, while the environmental factor equals to 1.3,
    the Fick's second law and the experimental data matches very well.
  • WANG Tiantang,YAN Yun,HU Zhihua,ZHA
    O Ping
    . 2011, (1):  60-63. 
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    The impact of OES on the setting time of cement hydration was studied, and the p
    roperty of OES was studied systematically by XRD and TAM air isothermal calorime
    try. The results showed that compared with the naphthalenebased super
    plasticizers, the reduction capacity of OES was better with the same addition(0.
    6%), the fluidity was increased by 22.4% after 30 minutes and almost no fluidity
    variation with setting time in 2 hours. The OES superplasticizers can be used a
    s the advanced set retarding and superplasticizer admixture, as it has an appare
    nt retarding set to the cement paste with the curve peak of hydration heat flow
    showing at 75 h, and it doesn't affect the later strength of the cement with the
    7 d compressive strength reaching the national norm and the 28 d compressive stren
    gth reaching 127%.
  • YIN Yihua,SHU Kaikai,JI Xingmin,CHANG Dan,XIONG
    Xiong,ZHENG Hua
    . 2011, (1):  64-68. 
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    A series of hydrogels based on Nisopropylacrylamide(NIPAAm) and metha
    crylic acid(MAA) using 4,4′diaminoazobenzene(DMAAB) as a crosslinker were sy
    hesized. The influences of the composition,the environmental temperature,and t
    he buffer solution pH on the pH and thermalsensitivities of the hydrogels hav
    been studied. The results showed that the pHsensitivity of the hydrog
    l containing 85% of NIPAAm appeared an abnormal phenomenon in the buffer solutio
    ns at 25 ℃ with an increase in NIPAAm feed compositon. The phase transition rang
    e of pHsensitivity becomes narrow with the increasing of temperature,the hydr
    gels containing 50%~85% of NIPAAm have a very narrow phase transition range at te
    mperature≥37 ℃ of buffered solutions. In a pH of buffer solution,the hydrogel
    containing 85% of NIPAAm has the strongest thermalsensitivity and the narrowes
    phase transition range; while a given hydrogl has the strongest thermalsensit
    ivity at pH5.0 buffer solution.
  • WANG Guan,WANG Huachang,XIAO Han
    . 2011, (1):  69-74. 
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    In order to use functionally gradient materials to design and manufact
    ure hotforging die, it is necessary to illuminate the distribution and transfo
    ming laws of hotforging dies temperature field, stress field and strain field i
    detail under real working conditions.This paper simulated the whole working pro
    cess of Hotforging die of frontwheelhub of car by DEFORM2D program. The c
    ty surface layers temperature field varying process and transforming laws from fi
    rst working period to thermal equilibrium was illustrated. The variable paramete
    rs were analyzed quantitatively. The corresponding relations and differences wer
    e revealed for the first time. In this way, the distribution and transforming la
    ws of temperature field of hotforging die were comprehended more overall and c
    ncretely, which is the theoretical basis for the hot forging cavity design and p
    reparation of functionally gradient materials.
  • 交通科学与工程
  • BAI Xiuqin, YUAN Chengqing, YAN Xinping, LIU Xuemei
    . 2011, (1):  75-78. 
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    The adhesion trend of marine fouling organisms on hull surface was analyzed. Shell will be taken as bionic object and the framework of a new bionic ship green antifouling technique base on surface morphology and antiadhesion mechanism was proposed. The suitable sampling conditions were confirmed by twodimensional power spectrum and the surface morphology of shell was separated by twodimensional biorthogonal wavelet transform. The idea using the boat form algae as target creature has been proposed to discuss the adhesion mechanism. The validation method of antifouling mechanism was explained.
  • ZHANG Xuetao,CHEN Shuping,REN Deliang,ZHANG Henglong,YU Jianying
    . 2011, (1):  79-81. 
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    TPS and SBS were employed to prepare high viscosity modified asphalt and common modified asphalt, respectively. Two kinds of modified asphalt were aged by means of the rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT), pressure ageing vessel (PAV) and ultraviolet (UV) photooxidation ageing. The relative properties of modified asphalt were investigated before and after ageing. The results indicated that TPS modified asphalt had better ageing resistance compared with common SBS modified asphalt after RTFOT and PAV ageing. Besides, TPS modified asphalt showed good resistance to UV photooxidation ageing.
  • ZHANG Hongwei,GAO Zhiwei,CHANG Mingfeng,
    WANG Huasheng
    . 2011, (1):  82-85. 
    Abstract ( )    Download PDF ( )  
    There is aggregate gradation fractal characteristic in crumb rubber asphalt mixtures, A regression model for the fractal dimension of aggregate volume
    and air void of crumb rubber asphalt mixtures is derived. There is a strong cor
    relation between the fractal dimension of aggregate volume and the air void of a
    sphalt mixtures. With the fractal dimension of volume being increased, the air v
    oid of crumb rubber asphalt mixtures is weakened, the ranges of the fractal dime
    nsion is 2.54~2.59 corresponding with gradation envelope of crumb rubber asphal
    t mixtures. The JAC16 fractal of gapgraded aggregate is twodimensional.The
    re is a higher correlation coefficient in twodimensional computation.So the c
    omposition of JAC16 and aggregate gradation fractal characteristic model are f
  • LIU Li,HAO Peiwen
    . 2011, (1):  86-89. 
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    Poor bond between two layers of asphalt pavement is the main cause of
    slippage failure. Ushaped cracking which often occurring at locations where tr
    ffic accelerates and decelerates continually, is the most commonly observed typi
    cal problem related to slippage failure between layers. This paper developed a m
    echanical model of the semirigid base asphalt pavement by a finite element pro
    ram (ABAQUS). The pavement structure mechanical responses under traffic were com
    puted and the regularities of stress distribution of pavement were analyzed. The
    characteristics of Ushaped cracking disease on asphalt pavement were described.

    Combined with the mechanical analysis results, the paper revealed the mechanism
    of the Ushaped cracking. The results show the distribution regularities of tensile stress and horizontal shear stress at longitudinal direction are c
    oincident with the bottom and bilateral areas of Ushaped cracking, respectivel
    . The bottom cracks of Ushaped cracking are of opening mode caused by tensile

    stress, and the bilateral cracks of Ushaped cracking are of shearing mode caused by shear stress.
  • LI Yongle,YANG Yi,ZHAO Tong,JIANG Xiaowei
    . 2011, (1):  90-94. 
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    A longspan and highpier cablestayed bridge for urban rail transit i
    s regarded as the engineering example. Based on ANSYS, the spatial beam element
    analysis model of bridge is built. The structural stiffness in different conditi
    ons is calculated and their differences are explored. Using selfdeveloped soft
    are, BANSYS, the characteristics of bridgevehicle coupling vibration system is

    analyzed in various load cases. Taking the effect of wind into account, the wind
    vehiclebridge system is analyzed under the different wind velocities. The co
    lusion can provide the reference for scheme comparison and optimization of simil
    ar bridges.
  • 土木工程
  • LIU Tingting,ZHANG Wenshou
    . 2011, (1):  95-99. 
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    A new method of combined wind tunnel test and CFD technology is propos
    ed. CFD calculations are firstly carried out to determine the surface pressure o
    f the bridge and three static aerodynamic coefficients of elastic center in sect
    ional models, then the leastsquares method is used to determine nodal loads on

    bridges. The combined method overcomes the deficiencies that three static aerody
    namic coefficients obtained by CFD are out of accord with the results obtained b
    y wind tunnel test and gives an effective way to determine the nodal loads on br
  • YE Hong,XIA Yuanyou,LIU Xiaohe,CHEN Jie
    . 2011, (1):  100-103. 
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    Based on the assumption that the theoretical design methods for pressuretype anchor cable were mostly based on the homogeneous rock. The shear stress expression of pressuretype anchorage cable in weathered rock was deduced based on the characteristics of weathered rock and stress distribution of transversely isotropic rock under point load. And design method for anchorage length of pressuretype anchorage was established, which was more conformed to the practical engineering. The physical parameters of an actual project was obtained by mathematical regression, using the modified design method of a numerical example, the results showed that the modified design method was more conformed to the practical engineering.
  • XU Xiaoli,GAO Feng,ZHOU Qing,CHEN Jing
    . 2011, (1):  104-107. 
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    Mechanical characteristics and acoustic emission properties of granite
    under uniaxial compression after high temperature have been researched. Based o
    n the experiments, the paper interprets the acoustic emission and energy charact
    eristics of rocks in deformation and fracture process with nonequilibrium ther
    odynamic theory. The intrinsic relations between strength, energy dissipation a
    nd energy release of rocks during failure process are also discussed. The result
    s show that after high temperature acoustic emission curves experienced six sta
    ges which contain initial dreariness stage, upword stage, anterior peak value st
    age, highamplitude continuous stage, posterior peak value stage and later drea
    iness stage. Acoustic emission curves can preferably reflect rock developing pro
    cess from stable state to metastable state, critical state, unstable failure unt
    il new stable state in deformation and fracture process. Rock strength shows inv
    erse ratio to dissipated energy and proportional ratio to elastic energy, energy
    dissipation makes the material deteriorate and its strength drop down eventuall
    y. Acoustic emission energy rate shows proportional ratio to elastic energy and
    inverse ratio to dissipated energy, the elastic energy released in rock volume p
    lays the pivotal role of abrupt structural failure of rock. It is emphasized tha
    t the failure of rock is a process in which energy dissipation and energy releas
    e occur simultaneously. The results contribute to study rock failure process fro
    m the micro defect evolution to finally rupture after high temperature from the
    viewpoint of energy, which offer reference to the engineering practice.
  • CHEN Qinrui, WANG Hongjiang, WU Aixiang, ZHAI Yonggang,ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Qingtao
    . 2011, (1):  108-112. 
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    The hydraulic gradient of fulltailings paste slurry is one of the key parameters of pipeline transportation. In this paper, using selfmade Lpipe, the hydraulic gradient was measured through the combination of the flow characteristics of fulltailings paste slurry,then slurry rheological parameters was calculated on the basis of hydraulic gradient, and slurry’s homogeneous property was proved through data. The results showed that: the fulltailings paste slurry belongs to homogeneous flow because of unsinkable diameter d0>dmax, plug flow because of Reynolds number Re<2 100; The rheological parameters are intrinsic properties of slurry. The hydraulic gradient with various diameters and various velocities can be calculated in accordance with the rheological parameters.
  • 资源与环境工程
  • GE Yingyong, LI Hongqiang, ZHU Pengcheng, YU Yongfu
    . 2011, (1):  113-116. 
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    A collector which is cheaper and defoam easily was achieved by combining Nalkyl 1, 3propanediamine with ether amine. Single mineral flotation tests show that E1, M1, M3 have good selectivity, but the dosages are larger; E2, M2 have good collective power, however, their selectivity are poor, E3 has good selectivity and collective power. A combination collector GE651C (M1∶E3 = 7∶3) with better performance compare to single reagent was found through studies on collectors’ combination, the cost of the collector is lower but the performance is not affected. The flotation tests of nature iron ore reveal: when the dosage of GE651C is 180 g / t, concentrate grade is 60.27%, recovery is 66.78%. Defoaming tests indicate that GE651C’s amount of foam is less, it defoam easily, which is good for postprocessing.
  • ZHANG YiXIA Shibin,ZHANG Yimin,LI Hongli,L
    IU Shujie,LIU Qian
    . 2011, (1):  117-120. 
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    Photocatalytic reduction assisted absorption of phosphate in hematite
    acid picking milling wastewater was innovatively performed in the presence of ce
    ramics filters coated with TiO2 and Sr in a batch reactor in order to enhance
    osphate removing. Effects of hole scavengers, concentration of formic acid, dosa
    ge of immobilized titanium dioxide film and the initial phosphate concentration
    on the phosphate removing have been investigated. Research results indicated tha
    t the phosphate in mineral processing wastewater could be removed by photocataly
    tic reduction assisted absorption. The optimum amount of formic acid and titaniu
    m dioxid were 60 mmol/L and 4 g/L, respectively, and the phosphate removal could
    each 99.95% when used to treat the actual mineral processing wastewater with ini
    tial pH 2.53 and initial phosphate concentration 63.4 mg/L. The process of photo
    catalytic decmpositiom of phosphate shows that it is a firstorder reaction, an
    the reaction rate is directly proportional to the reactant’s initial concentrat
  • XIN Zhenkai,GONG Wenqi,HU Chun,LI Yubiao,ZHONG Lele,
    HUANG Wei
    . 2011, (1):  121-124. 
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    Eight phosphatesolubilizing microbes were isolated from soil, and dif
    ferent solubilizing ability of microorganisms on the dissolution of calcium phos
    phate has been studied, strain XH2 dissolved calcium phosphate up to 415.69 mg/L.
    In experiments of phosphorus removal from high phosphorus oolitic hematite ,the
    phosphorus removal rate of strain XH3 reached up to 79.58%,which is a desired
    effect. The results of this study for high phosphorus iron ore dephosphorizatio
    n technology provide new options.
  • 机电工程
  • DONG Kaka,PU Huayan,XU Zhengao,CHEN Xuedong
    . 2011, (1):  125-129. 
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    In this paper, according to the internal structure of the ultraprecision vibration isolator and the arrangement of the isolation system,dynamics model of the ultraprecision vibration isolation system is established. And on this basis, theoretical frequency response function is derived. The method of vibration isolation system frequency response test is proposed, and the initial value of dynamic parameters of the isolation system is calculated, according to the eigenvalue of the test data. Parameter adjustment method is used to continuously pressing the theoretical frequency response curve of experimental frequency response curve, and to identify the dynamic parameters of the isolation system. Experiments and error analysis results show the effectiveness of the dynamic model and the credibility of the identified parameters.
  • TIAN Yuzhong,LIU Zhenglin,JIN Yong,PENG En
    . 2011, (1):  130-133. 
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    In order to study the mechanism of squeal of water lubrication stern
    tube rubber bearing, the experiment has been carried out to study the mechanism of sq
    ueal of water lubrication stern tube rubber bearing. Combined with the frict
    ion property of water lubrication stern tube rubber bearing the rustle is analyz
    ed. The result shows that the appearance of the squeal depends on the contact ar
    ea between bearing and journal and negative slope of the frictionspeed curve o
    f the rubber bearing.
  • WU Shan, MAO Xuyao, LIAO Yide, WU Defa
    . 2011, (1):  134-138. 
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    A new kind of seawater hydraulic pilotoperated constant pressure pressurereducing valve with a twostep throttle is introduced. Then the static mathematical model of the valve is established. Based on the model, the static characteristics of the valve are gained by simplifying some secondary parameters reasonably. By the meaning of numerical analysis, the influences of some major structural parameters on the static performance of the valve are obtained. The results not only show the valve has good static characteristics but also verify the reasonableness of the simplification.
  • 信息与计算机工程
  • LI Xiaofu,YU Haihu,HUANG Hua,ZHANG Dongsheng
    . 2011, (1):  139-141. 
    Abstract ( )    Download PDF ( )  
    Combining optical analysis with experimertal method, birefringence of
    chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) under diametric force to grating section, r
    eflection spectra of the CFBG and effects on birefringence to the CFBG under local diame
    tric pressure are studied. The prominent features observed in the spectral respo
    nses are qualitatively explained in order to gain physical insight into the natu
    re of locally pressed gratings. The results show that the dipping in reflection
    spectra of the CFBG under local diametric pressure is greater when the pressured loa
    d is larger. The experimental results show very good correspondance with the the
    oretical analysis.
  • HOU Zhefei,YANG Jie,ZHANG Xue
    . 2011, (1):  142-145. 
    Abstract ( )    Download PDF ( )  
    A novel signal processing algorithm was proposed here for vibration si
    gnal analysis in condition monitoring and health diagnosis of rolling bearings.
    Such technique required an envelope being extracted from the vibration signal wi
    th complex Morlet wavelet transform (MWT). The principal periodic component in t
    he envelope was subsequently detected, enhanced and reconstructed automatically
    with sweep frequency method based on finding the peak value of singular value ra
    tio (SVR) spectrum. Such signal processing approach was experimentally evaluated
    by using vibration signals measured on rolling element bearings that contained
    localized structural defects with proved validity and efficiency.
  • SUN Yufen,LIU Gang
    . 2011, (1):  146-150. 
    Abstract ( )    Download PDF ( )  
    The change of the distances between points on face images is distincti
    ve when the face yaws. A head pose estimation algorithm using SIFT features is p
    roposed based on this distinctive change pattern. The algorithm first computes S
    IFT features in face images. Then the features in two images are matched. The he
    ad pose in one image is estimated based on the change pattern of the distances b
    etween these feature points and the head pose in the other ima
    ge. The experiments on face database and monocular video sequences show that the
    algorithm is easy to use and it has a high accuracy.