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  • Journal of Wuhan University of Technology. 2023, 45(1): 85.
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  • Journal of Wuhan University of Technology. 2023, 45(1): 1.
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    采用多巴胺对苯乙烯丁二烯苯乙烯嵌段弹性共聚物纳米纤维表面进行活化改性,进一步基于静电吸附作用将带负电的氧化石墨烯片吸附到带正电的弹性聚合物纳米纤维表面,并利用液相还原方法制备了石墨烯包覆的弹性聚合物纳米纤维。探索了多巴胺改性浓度和时间对纳米纤维表面物理化学状态的影响规律。制备出了电阻约为5.29 kΩ具有变形能力的石墨烯包覆弹性体聚合物导电网络。
  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 125-127.
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    Design for the Farm Vehicles Based on Classification Syllogism of the Kansei EngineeringLI Zhuo,DENG Ya-dong,ZHOU Quan (School of Automobile Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)The aim of this paper was to propose the classification syllogism,a method for the vehicle design based on the kansei engineering.And thus a smart data acquisition and analysis system for FATV design was constructed.The classification syllogism gave a classification according to the product's perceptual arrangement of ideas,by comparing,it found out the relationship of physical elements from different feeling levels and then deduced the product physical parameter till final outcome appears.The paper gave an actual case,introduced the content and procedure of the method.The obtained models have proved it was conformed to original design vehicle design;kansei engineering;classification syllogism
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2015, 37(4): 1-5.
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    (1.武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,武汉 430070;2.湖北三峡新型建材股份有限公司,宜昌 444105)
  • A.信息与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(10): 147-151.
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    Research and Application on Valve Timing of Engine Valve TrainYU Xing-zhi1,SONG Li-quan2,ZHAO Xiao-feng2,PAN Yu-rui2 (1.Henan Poly-technic Institute,Nanyang 473009,China;2.College of Mechanical Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China)According to the engineering practice proposed by the design and analysis of engine valve train,the paper derives the complete computing theory of reversing the valve's motion law,put forward the analysis method of the valve timing of the engine valve train,researches the intake and exhaust valves' timing and their valve positions and overlap angles in the corresponding positions of the autocar and motorcycle's valve timing separately and disclosured the parameter features of the middle,low and high speed engine valve timing.engine;valve train;valve timing
  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 153-156.
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    Tracking Moving Interfaces by Level Set MethodWANG Xue-yao1,2,JIANG Fan1,LIU Chang-chun3,LIU Shi4 (1.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.Beijing Phoneix Industry Furnace Co Ltd,Beijing 102600,China;4.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Power Plant Equipment Condition Monitoring,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)SMAC method was adopted to solve Navier-Stokes equation and LevelSet method,by fifth-order WENO scheme and TVD R-K scheme,was used to capture moving interfaces with Ghost technique.Two examples,quadrate container fluid and rising-merging oil-drops,were computed and compared with Fluent's result,has been done.The rationality of LevelSet method with Ghost technique in capturing moving interfaces with jump conditions was affirmed.It was shown that LevelSet method could not only capture interfaces exactly without complicated reconstruction but be easily programmed.LevelSet method;Ghost technique;capture moving interfaces;SMAC method
  • A.土木工程与建筑
    . 2008, 30(4): 110-113.
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    Damage Mechanism Investigation of Trussed Combination Arch Bridge by FEMLIU Li-sheng1,YANG Da-peng1,WU Dai-hua1,CHENG Zhu-jiang2 (1.School of Sciences,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Guizhou Communication Science Research Institute,Guiyang 550014,China)A three-dimension finite element model of Qingshui Bridge has been built for investigating the damage reason of trussed combination arch bridge.Two different conditions was considered.One was all prestressing+dead load and the other was part of prestressing+dead load.The first and third principal stress under those two conditions had been obtained by numerical analysis.The damage regions that calculated by numerical results were coincident with the investigation report by Guizhou Communication Science Research Institute.The irrational design of initial pre-stress may be a key factor that causes the damage of this bridge.trussed combination arch bridge;crack;pre-stress;FEM
  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 128-131.
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    Temperature Field Analysis of Mixed Mode Crack During PropagationLIN Hong,CHEN Guo-ming (College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Dongying 257061,China)Ⅰ-Ⅱ mixed-mode fractures of material in practical engineering were considered.Using ANSYS software,the energy release rate was used as the fracture criterion to infer the propagation path of compound crack;regarding the plastic work dissipated ahead of the running crack as inner heat source,the crack tip temperature field was simulated by performing coupled thermal-mechanical finite element analysis.The influence of prefabricated crack angle on crack tip initiation plastic zone and crack initiation temperature was discussed.The finite element analysis results were compared with the experimental data recorded by an infrared thermograph,and a good match was obtained.Ⅰ-Ⅱ mixed mode crack;crack propagation;energy release rate;infrared thermography;temperature field
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 125-129.
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    Research on Manufacturing Grid Performance Evaluations Model Based on Decision SupportXIE Xiao-lan1,2,ZHOU De-jian1,2,LI Xin-xiao2 (1.School of Electro-mechanical Engineering,Xidian University,Xi'an 710071,China;2.Department of Electronics and Computer,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004,China)The performance evaluation of Manufacturing Grid(MG) was meaning for the building of MG,job scheduling and resources allocation.Five kinds of evaluation criteria in MG performance evaluation,the reason of evaluation criteria and the method of performance evaluation were given in this paper.At the same time,both the architecture,Model and the workflow of the performance evaluation of MG were proposed.Finally,it was testified by the Attribute Barycentric Coordinate Algorithm simulation.manufacturing grid;performance evaluation;evaluation criteria;benchmarks
  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 114-117.
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    Research on Energy Saving Technology of Beam Pumper Using Doubly Fed MotorZHOU Zu-de,XIE Ming (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)Stator fed converter is the most researched and applied method on beam pump energy saving.In case of 1 140 V stator voltage and electric-motor-generateelectricity.It will make the converter structure complicated and cause the DC bus voltage to rise.A doubly fed motor method was provided to solve these questions.Simulations were carried out to compare three situations such as asynchronous state, stator fed state and doubly fed state,results showed that the converter connected to the rotor can fed power back to the voltage source and maintain the power factor to 1 during the whole process which made the doubly fed method a excellent solution to beam pump energy saving technology;power;doubly fed motor;beam pumper;power factor
  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 139-141.
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    Nonlinear Feedback Control of Chaos in Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorCAI Ming-shan (Department of Electrical Engineering,Hunan University of Arts and Sciences,Changde 415000,China)To deal with chaos in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor(PMSM),a method of controlling chaos by employing a dynamical nonlinear feedback controller was developed to guide chaotic motion towards regular motion.The controller was an active feedback controller without affecting the original system parameters,and was piecewise-quadratic function in the form of x|x|.The direct-axis or quadrate-axis stator current nonlinear feedback was used for chaos control.This method was simple and easy to be realized with a parameter processing.Simulation results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method and profitable conclusion was obtained.permanent magnet synchronous motor;chaos control;nonlinear feedback controller;piecewise-quadratic function
  • 土木工程与建筑
    . 2008, 30(10): 68-72.
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    Anaylsis of Theoretical Model About Bonding Slide of Reinforcing BarsLUO Xiao-hui1,WEI Jun2,HE Li-hong3 (1.School of Civil Engingerring and Mechniacs,Huazhong University of Science & Technology,Wuhan 430074,China;2.School of Civil Engingerring and Architecture,Zhongnan University,Changsha 410083,China;3.Department of English,Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,Wuhan 430074,China)The bond strength on the interface between bar and concrete,which includes the chemical cement composite force,frictional stress and mechanical joining-up stress,is simplified as tow parts that are the initial bond stress and generalized frictional stress,respectively.The generalized frictional stress,which its characteristic is non-linear,is showed as bilinear.Because of anchorage length of bar being divided into elastic part and plastic part based on bond strength,the method of load transfer function and continuous condition of bar slipping are applied into creating bond-slip constitutive model.The calculation parameters of model equation,such as shearing deformation coefficient Cz,initial bond stress τ0 and rate of increase ξ of bond stress,are obtained with SPL fit.As compared with date of bar drawing test,the bond-slip constitutive model could well fit developing and distributing law of;elastic and plastic;bond-slip constitutive model;parameter fit
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 122-124.
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    Design of a Long-distance Alarm System Based on GSMSUN Zeng-lei1,HUANG Jun-nian2,SUN Min1,YANG Guang-yi1 (1.School of Electronic Information,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.TTA Group-techtronic Appliances Factory,Dongguan 523941,China)A new kind of long-distance alarm system based on GSM was designed in this paper.Front controller interfaced and controlled many kinds of detectors,analyzed and managed alarm information.Using serial port,the controller could control GSM module to send alarm information as the GSM short news.The alarm information could be sent to the mobile telephone user and computer monitoring center directly.The hardware design,algorithm researching and software realization were particularly described in this paper.The system had the characteristics of high reliability;fast response as well as low cost and so on.It could be widely used to the family or other long-distance monitoring situation.GSM short message;AT command;long-distance alarm;serial communication
  • 管理工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 163-166.
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    Analysis of the Need Estimation in Our Country's Car Market from 2010 to 2020YU Xiao-jun,YANG Shuang-ghui,TAN Jian (School of Management,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)Through the development of China's economy and the income assigns condition,using nonlinear analysis,the author made an estimation of the automotive market demanding of the year 2010 and 2020.Basewd one three main factors including Personal citizen's income,the declines of car price and the improvement of the road condition,examined the rationality of the above-mentioned estimation.Finally,a conclusion was drew that China should keep developing the automobile industry and encouraging fmai1ies to own retention measures;predict of demand;logistic curve model
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 69-73.
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    Sequence Encryption Producing Method Based on Multi-objective Evolutionary AlgorithmLI Kang-shun1,2,PAN Wei-feng1,ZHANG Wen-sheng2,LI Yuan-xiang3 (1.School of Information Engineering,Jiangxi University of Science & Technology,Ganzhou 341000,China;2.Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China;3.State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)In this paper,two criteria used to evaluate the randomness of encryption stream are turned into two objectives of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm(MOEA),and a new sequence encryption producing method based on MOEA was proposed(called MOEASEP).Because MOEASEP was based on the randomness of evolutionary operators and the features of MOEA,the encryption streams produced by MOEASEP had good merits of high randomness,chaos and long period,which had also been demonstrated in the experiments.sequence encryption;multi-objective evolutionary algorithm(MOEA);evolutionary algorithm
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(12): 50-53.
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    Mix Design Method for Asphalt Mixtures Based on the Fractal Characteristic of AggregateLI Bo1,2,LI Tao2,TENG Xu-qiu1,LIU Hong-hui2,LV Zhen-feng3 (1.School of Civil Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China;2.School of Highway,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China;3.Foshan Limited Company of Road and Bridge Construction,Foshan 528040,China)In order to make the asphalt mixtures design more pertinence,the mix design method based on the fractal characteristics of aggregate was proposed.The relationship between the fractal dimension and volume parameter was researched.Based on this,the optimum asphalt content and the fractal dimension corresponding with the volume index of asphalt mixtures meeting standard requirements were determined.And asphalt mixture was tested by pavement performance experiments.The results show that the fractal dimension has well linear correlation with volume parameters.Using this correlation,the volume parameter of asphalt mixtures can be estimated,then the optimum asphalt content and aggregate gradation can be determined quickly.road engineering;mix design;fractal dimension;asphalt mixture;aggregate
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 110-113.
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    Parametric Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell StackHUANG Min,LI Xing-hu (Department of Automotive Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 10083,China)A parametric model of a 5 kW PEMFC stack was established on the basis of mechanistic model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) and experimental results.The polarization curves of the stack were measured under different conditions. The parameters in the model were determined by means of multiple linear regressions,and the confidence interval of 95% confidence level was given.This model was applied to simulate the performance of the PEMFC stack.The results showed agreements between the modeling results and the experimental data.This model could be used to investigate the influence of process variables and for forecast of fuel cells and stacks,and for design optimization of fuel cell power system.PEMFC(proton exchange membrane fuel cell);parametric model;linear regression
  • 管理工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 159-162.
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    Techno-economic Appraisal Methodology of Energy-conservation Construction During the Build-and-run CycleWANG Qian-kun,LIU Kun (School of Civil Engineering & Architecture,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)This paper selected the build-and-run stage which had more influence to investor and user to be the research cycle,used abundant project materials to analyze the influence of integrated using of energy efficiency technology on investment and income of building in this cycle,analyzed the shortcomings which existed in the economic evaluation technology of the past green construction,and improved the discernment estimating of increment investing,energy-conserving income and the economic evaluation technology,making the economic evaluation technology of energy-conservation more scientific and operable.There was certain directive significance to the optimization design and investment decision of energy-conservation construction;build and run cycle;economic evaluation
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 156-158.
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    Research on the Transport-inner Fabric's Design SystemZHENG Gang-qiang1,LIU Zhao-shu2 (1.School of Art and Design,Wuhan University of Techonology,Wuhan 430070,China;2.School of Mechanical and Electronics Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)To make the communication among the information of production design effective,the decoration of inside-room design,patterning the real environment,and information-sharing were researched.The 3Dmax,Cult3D and Java were used to develop the Transport-inner Fabric's Design System which was suitable for the network.Such patterning environment was established,and then suitable program was written,and submitted to the web.The users could see the effect as a whole at any time,what's more,the material used in the decoration of inside-room could realize mutual design,and the production design information and manufacture information could share each other.interior fabric;information integration;3Dmax;Cutl3D
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(12): 98-102.
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    Re-keying Solution for Secure Multicast Using Shared Key Tree among Multicast Sessions in Same GroupLI Yang1,YANG Ya-tao1,3,XIN Yang1,YANG Yi-xian1,LI Zhong-xian1,2 (1.National Engineering Laboratory for Disaster Backup and Recovery,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China;2.National Cybernet Security Ltd,Beijing 100876,China;3.Beijing Electronic Science & Technology Institute,Beijing 100070,China)A re-keying solution using shared key tree among multicast sessions in same multicast group was presented in this paper to make re-keying cost be independent of multicast sessions amount,and solve the problem that group with multiple sessions had low efficiency when key was updated.In this solution,leaves and extended root nodes in shared key tree respectively contained private keys of group members and group keys of multicast sessions.According to the key update algorithm used in this solution,updated keys and re-keying data were generated by PRF and XOR operations together.The simulation results of prototype system under Linux show that this solution obviously improves re-keying performance to some extent under communication circumstance with multiple sessions in same group compared to conventional multicast;key management;key update; shared key tree;extended root node
  • Journal of Wuhan University of Technology. 2023, 45(1): 35.
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  • 机电、信息与计算机
    . 2008, 30(4): 157-160.
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    Based on the Question Bank Self-adapted Online Exam System Analysis and DesignYANG Yu-bing1,WANG Hong-yan2 (1.Department of Computer Information and Engineering,Institute of Ningbo Dahongying Professional Technology,Ningbo 315175,China;2.Electric Department,Engineering and Technical College of Hebei,Cangzhou 061001,China)Currently online exam system design,dealing with the key issues aspects of getting the test paper(such as the coefficient of difficulty of the questions can not change with the acceptability of the test groups change and the knowledge questions with repeated questions on the same test paper,etc.),proposed to create an online exam system based on the question bank by the theory of Bernoulli's theorem and machine learning etc.And by introducing three parts of the system of examination management,getting test paper management and test management,based on the data bank on Adaptive Online Examination System Design and Implementation.Systemic expound the method of design and realization of the online exam system based on the self-adapted question bank.question bank;self-adapted;online exam;difficulty coefficient
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(4): 36-39.
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    Life Cycle Assessment of Cement Production in Liulihe Cement PlantJIANG De-yi1,2,CANG Da-qiang1,GUAN Sheng-lin2,WU Hong3,CUI Su-ping3,WANG Zhi-hong3 (1.College of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;2.Beijing Liulihe Cement Plant,Beijing 102403,China;3.College of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100022,China)Application of Life Cycle Assessment,reference normalization references of non-renewable resources and energy in China,the article analysis the data of resources and energy consumption and pollutant emission in LIULIHE cement plant,proposed improvement suggestions about environment compatibility.cement production;life cycle assessment;environmental load
  • 管理工程
    . 2008, 30(4): 161-163.
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    Intellectual Property's Exploitation and Value ContinuityZENG Jin,WU Yu,CHEN Han-qing (School of Art & Design,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)From the initial creativity to the ultimate realization of the economic benefits was a very complex and worthy of in-depth research topic.Developed countries have attached great importance to the development of intellectual property,regardless of the development of creative industries status,to maintain the continuity of creative value.In this paper,the case in industrial design was analyzed by comparison domestic and foreign enterprises on the development of intellectual property exploitation.It revealed its important role in value continuity,renewed ideas of the development of creative industries in China.creative industry;intellectual property's exploitation;value continuity
  • 管理工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 185-188.
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    Research of Optimize Model on Production ProjectQU Zhong-xian,WU Wen-hua,SONG Dai-qing (School of Mathematicas and Physics,Northeast Dianli University,Jilin 132012,China)The paper research factory was some to receive the order form of certain yield article every moment,needing to complete the order form in certainly time,how draw up to produce the plan to make produce and two kinds of expenseses that save it and minimum of problem.In the paper,building up superior produce to plan the model,Main under the condition that rate of production be free from limit or rate of production have an up boundary limit,build up the model respectively,carry on discussion's combine end give superior to produce the plan function,get the decent result,thus resolved the in point of problem that this paper want.production plan;production cost;rate of production;alterable differential method
  • A.信息与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(10): 134-137.
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    Energy Balanced Topology Management Algorithm in Wireless Sensor NetworksFENG Yun-fang (Department of Computer,Huangshi Institute of Technology,Huangshi 435003,China)In heterogeneous wireless sensor network,each node has different energy.For make the best of network energy,an energy balanced self-adapt Distributed Topology Management(EBTM) algorithm is proposed.The algorithm defines some Boundary Virtual Node(BVN) which adjusts the area of the cluster dynamic.As the simulation result shows that EBTM makes sure each cluster head has the near alive time where the network coverage satisfies the requirement.sensor network;service oriented;architecture
  • A.信息与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(10): 127-130.
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    Effect of Alternative Porosity Distribution of GDL Plane on PEM Fuel Cell PerformanceLIU Kun1,2,3,ZHANG Yong-sheng2,LIU Yan2,ZHAN Zhi-gang2,XIAO Jin-sheng1,2 (1.School of Automotive Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070, China;3.Unit 93033,PLA of China,Shenyang 110141,China)In order to investigate the influence of gas diffusion layer(GDL) structure on the drainage,electric and gas conductivity of proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC),such factors as electrochemical reaction,phase change,transfer of water and oxygen,and water transfer in membrane are investigated,and GDL with spacing porosity in plane is also studied.Results show that the performance of PEMFC with GDL with spacing porosity is better than that of PEMFC with normal GDL.GDL with spacing porosity in plane can improve the transfer of liquid water and gas and then improve the performance of PEMFC.proton exchange membrane;fuel cell;gas diffusion layer;porosity;modeling;optimization
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 9-13.
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    Research on Preparation Characterization and Application of Photocatalytic Material of Nanometer TiO_2/MontmorilloniteHAO Qian1,2,LEI Shao-min2 (1.School of Earth Resources,China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074,China;2.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)Materials of composite photocatalyst were prepared which TiO2/Ca-montmorillonite,TiO2/Na-montmorillonite and TiO2/organic-montmorillonite by the sol-gel and modified of montmorillonite as a substrate.Test techniques of XRD,FT-IR、AFM、SEM were adopted to characterized the properties of the materials.The test results showed that TiO2 presented at all of anatase,particle size of crystal TiO2 was ranged from 12 nm to 27 nm.Nanometer TiO2 crystal on the surface of Ca-montmorillonite growing upward.At top end of mono-crystal;a crystal film formed on the surface of Na-montmorillonite which growth at multcrystal together;Nanometer TiO2 crystal on the surface of the organic montmorillonite distributed at reunite state.The rate of decolorization of photocatalysts for azo dye wastewater were respectively 95.87,96.28 and 71.07 percent as 400 mg/L for wastewater concentration,3 g/L dosages of photocatalyst,photocatalysis 60 min in UV-light.montmorillonite substrate;nanometer TiO2; photocatalysis;decolorization azo dye wastewater
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 38-42.
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    Research on Carbonation Resistance and Steel Corrosion-resistance of High Volume Fly Ash ConcreteSONG Shao-min,LI Hong-hui,XING Feng (1.School of Civil and Traffic Engineering,BUCEA,Beijing 100044,China;2.Shenzhen Priority Laboratory of Civil Engineering Durability,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)Carbonation resistance and steel corrosion-resistance of high volume fly ash concrete with different content of cementing material,fly ash and water-binder ratio were researched in this paper.This paper showed the basic technical measures.To control water-binder ratio is the key technology.High volume fly ash concrete with low enough water-binder ratio can also have excellent durability.high volume of fly ash;carbonation resistance;steel corrosion;water-binder ratio
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 57-59.
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    Realized Method of Computerized Aided Factory Plane LayoutCHANG Jian-e,WANG De-shuang,SHI Sheng-yi (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)For the problems that most Computerized Aided Factory Layout(CAFL)'s arithmetic was so large and complicated,this paper put forward a method centered on Prim arithmetic and designed CAFL process,based on classical Systematic Layout Planning and integrated with the Tompkins' character of visual plane layout.What's more,an effective and simple CAFL visual was developed by use of Visual C++6.0 software,and testified by an example.computerized aided factory layout;Tompkins;Prim arithmetic
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 97-100.
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    Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Ultracapacitor Energy StorageZHU Wen-biao1,ZHANG Bu-han2,PANG Lu1,WANG Yun-ling2,LI Yan2,MAO Cheng-xiong2,ZENG Jie2 (1.Hubei Water Resources Technical College,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China)The principle and characteristics of ultracapacitor were described.A dynamic voltage restorer(DVR) based on ultracapacitor energy storage was described for voltage quality of distribution network.In this restorer three bridge voltage source DC/AC converter and one half-bridge bi-directional voltage source DC/DC converter were employed,ultracapacitor was used as storage component.Mathematic models of the restorer based on equivalent circuit were built,and corresponding control strategy were developed.Based on these models,a simulation platform of DVR was developed by using Simulink of the Matlab.Taking the supply momentary voltage sags and swells as example,using DVR based on ultracapacitor energy storage generators the simulation of improving the load voltage quality.Simulations were carried out to verify the topology and control strategy of DVR based on ultracapacitor energy storage for the voltage quality of the load improvement.ultracapacitor;energy storage;dynamic voltage restorer;control strategy
  • A.信息与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(10): 141-143.
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    p-q-r Harmonic Current Decetion Method and Its Improving DesignCHENG Qiong1,ZHENG Jian-yong2,DING Zu-jun2 (1.School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China;2.School of Electrical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)This article uses the p-q-r theory to improve the p-q-r method which has the detect error under the circumstance of network voltage distortion.This paper replaces the actual voltage detection signal by the phase-locked loop production arthroscopic three-phase voltage reference signal to participate in the examination operation,in order to avoid the influence of network voltage distortion to the detection precision.It provides the improving simulation contrast result which not only has confirmed the advantage of the improving p-q-r method,but also has certain reference value.p-q-r decetion method;harmonic;distortion; improving design
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(8): 105-108.
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    Evaluation Methods and Models of Traffic Transfer at Urban Railway Passenger StationXU Liang-jie1,LI Zhao-kang1,WANG Shu-qin2 (1.School of Transportation,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430063,China;2.School of Transport & Communications,Shanghai Martime University,Shanghai 200135,China)Taking account of both functional and equilibrium evaluation mode,a comprehensive evaluation model was built by mathematic manner-"composition".Based on "open to the object" thinking and using the scatter simulation software Arena,it researched the visual simulation evaluated methods of traffic transfer at urban railway passenger station.With the exemplification of Hancou railway station in Wuhan,five functional models and visual simulation table were set up on Arena.The simulated results were much corresponded to the reality of Hancou railway station.railway passenger station;traffic transfer;simulated evaluation;arena
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(10): 64-67.
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    Research on Treatment of Mixed Malodors by Activated-carbon-fiber Composite BiofilterHUANG Jin-gang1,XU Xiao-jun2 (1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering,Qingdao Technological University,Qingdao 266033,China;2.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China)Taking treated ACF and wood-chip as the composite biofilter's padding consisted of the bio-trickling filter and the bio-filter respectively,the effect of the different operational parameters on the removal rate of the mixed malodors that contains H2S & NH3 was researched.The results indicated that when the inlet flow(gas residence time),inlet concentration and liquid flow were 1.5 m3/h(43 s),H2S<107 mg/m3、NH3<110 mg/m3 and 4.0 L/h respectively,the removal rate of H2S and NH3 was the best.As the composite biofilter system restored normally in 4 hours after the system striked abruptly by the quite large load,it showed that the system had good anti-shock-load capacity.The different microbial species and population varied with the different packing layer height in the composite biofilter.The negative influence presented after longterm operation of the system.Identification of BIOLOG automatic analysis system of microbe showed that the bacteria in the bio-trickling filter was Bacillus sphaericus and Staphylococcus aureus subsp.aureus respectively and the yeast in the bio-filter was Rhodotorula aurantiaca B,mould was Aspergillus sydowii(Bainier&Sartory) Thom & Church.composite biofilter;activated carbon fiber(ACF);mixed malodorous;microbe
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 118-121.
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    Marginalized Particle Filter for Maneuver Target TrackingZHU Zhi-yu,DAI Xiao-qiang (School of Electronics and Information,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China)In order to solve the problem that Marginalized Particle Filter(MPF) can not estimate linear state,one improved MPF algorithm for maneuver target tracking was proposed,in which forecasting values of state was used as measurement upgrade of Kalman filter and Kalman filter was applied to estimate speed and acceleration,Particle filter estimate target position.Simulation results indicated the improved MPF can reduce computation complexity and overcome degeneracy phenomenon of PF on the premise that guarantees estimation precision of target states and resolve maneuver target tracking problem under glint noise well.particle filter;kalman filter;maneuver target tracking;glint noise
  • 土木工程与建筑
    . 2008, 30(6): 79-82.
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    Noise Reduction of Beam Vibration Signals Based on Independent Component Analysis and Expanding ChannelsZHAO Li-zhi,YUAN Hai-qing,YANG Yan (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)In view of the limitation to noisy channels based on the ICA,hypothesized noise channels were replaced by expanding channels in this paper.The ICA method was introduced to de-noise the same position and many channels structural vibration signals.The principles of ICA and FastICA algorithm were elaborated and the same position and two channels vibration signals of beam were de-noised by ICA.This method was proved effectually by the beam vibration signals in lab.Autocorrelation function and FFT spectrum were adopted to weigh the noise reduction effect.It was showed that it was feasible to adopt expanding channels and ICA to reduce noise of structural vibration signals.independent component analysis;the same position and many tunnels;FastICA;noise reduction
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 44-47.
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    Effects of Physical Mutagenesis on Leaching Phosphorus with Acidithiobacillus FerrooxidansWANG En-wen,GONG Wen-qi,SHEN Qiu-shi,LIU Jun,LIU Yan-ju,ZENG Sheng-jia (School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)Strains of acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans were separated and purified from water samples collected from a hot spring in Guangxi province.The purified At f was used in the leaching of a low grade phosphate ore.The results were compared with those obtained with At f after physical mutagenesis.The results indicated that: 1)the rate of phosphorus leached with purified At f was higher than that with unpurified At f,with the fifth purification being the best.2) The oxidation activity and rate of phosphorus leached with At f after UV mutagenesis increased initially and then decreased as a function of mutagenesis time with an optimum occurred at 5 min.3) The time for complete oxidation of Fe2+ with At f,after ultrasonic mutagenesis was at lease 65 h shorter than that with At f,before ultrasonic mutagenesis and the rate of phosphorus leached increased by up to about 35%.4) With low temperature mutagenesis the optimal results were obtained with At f after 1 h low temperature mutagenesis.acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans;physical mutagenesis;ultra violet;ultrasonic wave;low temperature
  • 计算机、控制与机械工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 101-104.
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    Diesel Engine State Feature System Establishment and Optimize TechniqueLIU Bo-yun,OUYAN Guang-yao,CHANG Han-bao (College of Naval Architecture and Power,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China)To less the difficulties of getting the reasonable token feature for diesel engine state evaluation and fault diagnosis,this paper proposed the method of state feature system establishment technique.The signal of diesel engine had been collected when the piston ring and airtight ring working at different state,then with the Bootstrap method and Genetic Algorithm,an optimum parameter combination has been received.Example showed this method was simple and efficiency for the diesel engine state feature system established.diesel engine;fault diagnosis;Bootstrap;genetic algorithm
  • 土木工程与建筑
    . 2008, 30(12): 146-149.
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    Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure with Diagonal MemberZHOU Fei1,3,CAI Jian1,2,LIN Huan-bin1,YANG Chun1,2,CHEN Qing-jun1,2 (1.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science,Guangzhou 510640,China;3.Higher Education Architectural Design and Plan Institute of GD Province,Guangzhou 510631,China)A new kind of reinforced concrete(including prestressed concrete) frame structure with diagonal member is put forward.The structure is composed by conventional reinforced concrete frame structure and diagonal members which are set up at the joints.It can be changed the position of the design controlling sections at the end of the frame beam and column as the diagonal member are set.In addition,the bending moment and the shearing force of the controlling sections are greatly reduced.The results of the experiment show that the first plastic hinge appears at the position of the beam-diagonal member joint,and then appears at the middle span of the beam,the end of the beam and the beam-column joint have a good performance,and with a reasonable design the newly structure will have a good bearing and deformation capacity.frame;structure;diagonal member;experiment;mechanical behavior
  • 材料科学与工程
    . 2008, 30(6): 48-51.
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    Flammability Limits Analysis of Overall Liquefaction Process for Oxygen-bearing Coal-bed MethaneYU Guo-bao,LI Ting-xun,GUO Kai-hua,LIANG Dong (School of Engineering,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510250,China)Low-cost skid-mounted liquefaction plane played important role in developing and exploiting coal-bed methane(CBM) resource in nowaday's China.For CBM exploitation & utilization,a new-technology oxygen-bearing CBM liquefaction system was raised in this paper,and in this system the CBM was pressurized by water-ring pump and refrigeration cycle was mixed refrigerant cycle driven by a screw compressor.The flammability limits of the overall cryogenic process were analyzed.The results indicated that there was a lowest temperature limit of the exhaust CBM fluid for each running respective pressure,and the limit would be higher corresponding to each higher pressure added by water-ring pump.The conclusions would make an important theoretical reference for designing a safe,efficient & low-cost small-scale CBM liquefaction plane.CBM;liquefaction;skid-mounted;water-ring pump;flammability