
    2006年, 第28卷, 第S2期 刊出日期:2006-08-20
    • 全选
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  • . 2006, (S2):  12-16. 
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    Assembly model plans an important role in assembly sequence planning.Flexible assembly system (FAS) is a dis- crete event system (DES),so Petri net,as an important analytical tool for the DES,is used for modeling of an FAS.All of the feasible assembly sequences can be obtained by firing the Petri net model.In order to enhancing the efficiency of the assembly sequence planning,knowledge-based Petri net,combining an usual Petri net with expert's knowledge and experiences,is proposed to con- struct the assembly model.So the feasible assembly sequences can be reduced greatly,and the optimum assembly sequence could be generated without the combinatorial explosion of solutions.
  • . 2006, (S2):  17-20. 
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    Wire rolling is a typical large deformation process and its principle is very complex,which includes material non- linearity,geometry non-linearity and boundary non-linearity.It is difficult to obtain theory analytical results by trying to roll or physical experiment because they will induce many problems such as high cost,waste time and venture.With the rapid advance- ment of computing technology and numerical method,the finite element method is regarded as the best one,which can account for the large plastic deformation,thermo-mechanical coupling and complex boundary conditions of the rollers and the workpiece inter- actions in the rolling process.Under the different initial rolling temperature,the two-pass hot continuous rolling process of high- speed wire has been simulated accurately for the pre-finishing rolling section.The metal fluxion law and the deformation field have been obtained.Strain,temperature,rolling force and torque also have been simulated and discussed.The results of simulation are useful for practical manufacture and the optimization of process-parameters.
  • . 2006, (S2):  21-25. 
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    The concept of machine vision based manufacturing technology is proposed first,and the key algorithms used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional machining are discussed in detail.Machining information can be derived from the binary images and gray picture after processing and transforming the picture.Contour and the parallel cutting method about two-dimen- sional machining are proposed.Polygon approximating algorithm is used to cutting the profile of the workpiece.Fill Scanning al- gorithm used to machining inner part of a pocket.The improved Shape From Shading method with adaptive pre-processing is adopted to reconstruct the three-dimensional model.Layer cutting method is adopted for three-dimensional machining.The tool path is then gotten from the model,and NC code is formed subsequently.The model can be machined conveniently by the lathe, milling machine or engraver.Some examples are given to demonstrate the results of lmageCAM system,which is developed by the author to implement the algorithms previously mentioned.
  • . 2006, (S2):  26-30. 
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    Spatial circular arc can be machined conveniently by a 5-axis NC machine tool.Based on the data sampling method,circular interpolation in two-dimensional plane is discussed briefly.The key is to solve the problem of circular center ex- pressed in the workpiece coordinate system by means of the transformation matrix.Circular interpolation in three-dimensional space is analyzed in detail.The method of undetermined coefficient is used to solve the center of the spatial circle and the method of coor- dinate transformation is used to transform the spatial circle into the XY-plane.Circular arc in three-dimensional space can be ma- chined by the positional 5-axis machining and the conical surface can be machined by the continuous 5-axis machining.The velocity control is presented to avoid the feedrate fluctuation.The interpolation algorithms are tested by a simulation example and the inter- polation algorithms are proved feasible.The algorithms are applied to the 5-axis CNC system software.
  • . 2006, (S2):  31-35. 
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    After analyzing and comparing the traditional automobile instrument,the onboard instrument based on virtual instrument technology is designed in this paper.The PC/104 computer was employed as the core processing unit of the onbaard in- strument,and the several intelligent data acquisition nodes are set and connected by the CAN bus,through which the nodes can com- municate with the core processing unit.The information of the vehicle's working condition can be displayed synthetically by adopt- ing virtual instrument technology.When the working condition goes beyond its limit,the system can emit an alarm,record and storage the abnormal condition automatically,and suggest how to deal with the abnormity urgently.The development background and design idea of onboard information system were elaborated in the paper.The software,the hardware architecture and the principle of onboard information system were introduced in detail.
  • . 2006, (S2):  36-41. 
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    This paper presents investigations on discharging mechanism in powder mixed EDM.By analyzing the inception, growth of electrical tree and the ignition of discharges in liquid filled gap,the whole discharging process is proposed.It is explored that the reason of modification of ignition behaves by adding fine particle powders of metal or semiconductor to the working liquid.
  • . 2006, (S2):  42-46. 
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    Shipbuilding is becoming more complex and requires many different enterprises and plants to work cooperatively to strive for the maximum profit.Supported by the computer technology,information technology,and internet technology etc., CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) plays a very crucial role in the multi-team,multi-subject,multi-layer field. According to shipbuilding characters and market requirements,the computer supported cooperative shipbuilding technology is re- searched actually.Key technologies to realize it are analyzed,and construction of the computer supported cooperative manufactur- ing environment is deeply discussed.On the base of them,scheme of the computer supported cooperative shipbuilding system based on PDM (Product Data Management) is put forward,which is useful to improve and develop the shipbuilding industry.
  • . 2006, (S2):  47-53. 
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    A hierarchical closed-loop production control scheme integrating scheduling,control and performance evaluation is discussed.Firstly,the production process is divided into two main hierarchies:the lower level is the physical operation level and the upper one is the management level.Secondly,the schedule template for the management level and the activity template for the physical operation level are constructed separately,the tasks in the schedule have the ability to make partial decisions,and the per- formance parameters are introduced into activity template.Thirdly,the two levels use different model representations:stochastic process algebra for the management level whose output is the control commands and stochastic Petri net for the physical operation lev- el which is the execution of the control commands.Then,the integration of the two levels is the control commands mapping into the lower physical operations and the responses feeding back to the upper decision-making that are defined by some transition functions. Under the proposed scheme,the production process control of a flexible assembly is exemplified.It is concluded that the process con- trol model has partial ability to make decision on-line for uncertain and dynamic environments and facilitates reasoning about the be- haviors of the process control,and performance evaluation can be done online for real-time scheduling to ensure the global optimiza- tion.
  • . 2006, (S2):  54-57. 
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    Manual definition of inspection feature in Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) is time-consuming and error- potential.Since CAD model contains all design data,an integration system of CAD/CMM is constructed to automate above pro- cess.First,tolerance feature and its attributes,including tolerance type,value and tag of related geometry,are extracted from CAD model and written to QDAS file,based on feature technology.The tags are then added as attribute to related geometry in CAD model.Thereby they can be automatically remarked in the parameter list of their corresponding geometric item when exporting STEP file.At last,both STEP and QDAS file are imported to CMM system.Based on the mapping between geometric and toler- ance feature in neutral files,inspection features can be recognized by CMM without manual interruption.The system has been im- plemented on Unigraphics platform,and proved to applicable for all types of tolerance and geometry.
  • . 2006, (S2):  58-61. 
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    This paper introduces the constitute,structure and the software model of a set of networked manufacturing process monitoring system,using JAVA network technique to realize a set of three layer distributed manufacturing process monitoring sys- tem which is comprised with remote manage center,manufacturing process supervision center and the units of measure and control layer such as displacement sensor,the device of temperature measure and alarm etc.The network integration of the production management layer,the process control layer and the hard ware control layer is realized via using this approach.The design using object-oriented technique based on JAVA can easily transport to different operation systems with high performance of the expansibili- ty.
  • . 2006, (S2):  62-66. 
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    In order to interpret the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) testing data quantitatively and size the defects accurately, some defect profiles inversion methods from the MFL signals are studied on the basis of the neural network.Because the wavelet ba- sis function neural network (WBFNN) has good accuracy in the forward calculation and the radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) has reliable precision in the inversion modeling respectively,a new neural network scheme combining WBFNN and RBFNN is presented to solve the nonlinear inversion problem for the MFL data and reconstruct the defect shapes.And such details as the choice of wavelet basis function,the initialization of the weight value and the input normalization are analyzed,the train- ing and testing algorithm for the network are also studied.The inversion results demonstrate that the proposed network scheme has good reliability to interpret the MFL data for some defects.
  • . 2006, (S2):  67-71. 
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    Surface Mount Technology Manufacturing Grid (SMT-MG) is the application of the grid technology in the SMT product manufacturing.In this paper,as the new manufacturing mode of SMT product,SMT-MG was brought forward.Then the concept and intention of the SMT-MG were analyzed.And from the three aspects of sufficient condition,necessary condition and stability condition,the static and dynamic conditions under which the SMT-MG was formed were mainly discuss.Finally,it was proved that the formation and development of SMT-MG is feasible and necessary.
  • . 2006, (S2):  72-77. 
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    SNIT-MG is a typical application of grid in electric product manufacturing.The organization and operation mode are hey problems in SMT-MG.In this paper,SMT-MG is taken as research object.Its mesh three-dimensional matrix orga- nization mode is presented.Meanwhile from operation foundation,process,environment and target four aspects,operation prin- ciples are explored.Operation mechanisms of SMT-MG such as adaptive evolution,PUSH/PULL driving,cooperation and game,feedback,regulation/control,coordination,impetus mechanism and so on are studied.Finally,the operation flow of SMT-MG is introduced.
  • . 2006, (S2):  78-81. 
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    This paper brings forward a kind of machining error forecast principle in NC lathe simulation system.It com- bines the method of math,dynamic,material and mechanism,etc,sums up the factors which can affect the machining error,co- alescent knowledge of mechanism manufacture technique and interconvert characteristic,mapped the change of physics factor in cut- ting process into virtual manufacture system by mathematical model.On the platform of Windows 2000 and Visual C++,ap- plying program is developed by use of C++.The lean warehouse of MATLAB is transferred in order to command MATLAB on the language platform of MATLAB,and then the curve of the results is drawn by the outcome of calculation,which is based on the mathematical model in order to manifest the simulation results in the pattern of data and curve.
  • . 2006, (S2):  82-86. 
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    As the conceptual design of air-conditioning is done using the theory of Quality Function Deployment (QFD),cus- tomer requirements should be understood and the product competitive power be analyzed as exactly as possible for new product de- signing.Lots of information in the process of this research is fuzzy and uncertain,but traditional QFD can not deal with it well. Fuzzy theory can solve the problem.So a fuzzy model for analyzing product competitive power is formulated in this paper to im- prove traditional QFD,after that it is applied to analyze air-conditioning competitive power.When air-conditioning competitive power is analyzed using this model,firstly the importance weight of the customer requirements o fair-conditioning is determined us- ing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) weighting process,then air-conditloning competitive power is evaluated using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.It is proved that the model is feasible and has good applicability.
  • . 2006, (S2):  87-92. 
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    In this paper,the Web-based integration methodology and framework have been developed to facilitate collabora- tive and concurrent engineering design in distributed manufacturing environments.The distributed concurrent engineering and co- design are discussed as key components in the mechanism.The related integration system is presented,which includes four function- al modules:co-design,Web-based visualization,manufacturing analysis and look-up service.It can be used for a design team geo- graphically distributed to organize a collaborative and concurrent engineering design effectively.In particular,the collaborative mechanism incorporated with Java-based and Internet-enabled technologies can generate extended strategies for design and planning. Thus,the proposed integration architecture enables the system to be generic,open and scalable.Finally,for the trend of global manufacturing,a case study of Internet-enabled collaborative optimization is introduced and a discussion on teamwork capability is made.
  • . 2006, (S2):  93-97. 
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    Jaw crusher is a kind of machine widely used in mining and aggregates industry,but it still has some shortcom- ings,such as liners wear,terrible power draw etc.The lack of research on material flow strongly limits the design improvement. The size reduction of the jaw crusher relies on the moving jaw movement that is a kind of complicated swing.Based on the move- ment analysis of the moving jaw and the single particle breakage characters,the material flow is analyzed.The measure of the breakage force is carried out.Material flow analysis is partly confirmed by the experimental results and some new information is also learned from the crushing force distribution.The job on the material flow will be helpful to the jaw crusher design improve- ment.
  • . 2006, (S2):  98-102. 
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    Stamping process,which is widely used in automobile,aerospace,machine-building industries,and etc.,is a creative process needing time and experiences.The lead time is mainly spent on stamping die design and manufacturing.As the ba- sis of die design,process design is a non-linearity and creative process,which can be solved by using the fuzzy synthetic evaluation. In this paper,the potential o f fuzzy synthetic evaluation for dealing with stamping process design was explored.The influencing factor set,factor weight set,evaluation set,single factor fuzzy evaluation matrix,and fuzzy synthetic evaluation scheme were studied.Finally,the washer part,considering forming equipment,part dimensions and other factors,was selected to testify the evaluation process.
  • . 2006, (S2):  103-108. 
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    Shop scheduling problem is core part and research hot in modern manufacture system,it has important meaning for decreasing operating costs,shortening production period and so on.Based on shop scheduling problems,this paper mainly dis- cuss and classify uncertainty factors of the shop scheduling,Meanwhile set up corresponding reliability evaluation model according to some uncertainty factors,and so it can better direct shop scheduling.
  • . 2006, (S2):  109-111. 
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    CKD/IKD is a new technology management method which should be used instead of commerce mode of CBU.In the international trade,as to the products with fast update,complex structure,mass variety,complicated sales states and multi- mode configuration,when they are exported to enterprises without independent technology of products design from the OEM suppli- ers in the form of CKD/IKD.The all-around intellectualized management of CKD/IKD customization,purchase and supply will be realized by transforming automatically between CKD/IKD orders and parts orders in ERP systems through KD virtual collabo- rative center,combining the e-commerce sales system,ERP,SCM,CRM,PDM and export management system.
  • . 2006, (S2):  112-115. 
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    Bill of material (BOM) structures describe the component structure of a product.It is used and processed in the whole product lifecycle,and is the bridge for the product data integration among enterprise application.In the process of product development,product model is evolving and BOM is also changed.To keep the data among BOM views integrate,accurate and consistent,a general model of weighted diagraph of product BOM is developed.By establishing BOM structure model and defining the mapping rules of Virtual Component,Successive Component,Middle Component and Collaborative Component,an algorithm for BOM structure mapping is proposed based on single source of product data (SSPD).According to BOM multi-view mapping and SSPD,an integration model and application framework of the product design and the manufacturing process is given.Final- ly,a BOM management system named BomMan is provided,which indicates the validity and feasibility of this method.Thus, the reconfiguration from EBOM to MBOM could be realized.
  • . 2006, (S2):  116-120. 
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    A model-exchange method based on feature between isomerous CAD systems is put forward in this paper.In this method,CAD model information is accessed at both feature and geometry levels and converted according to standard feature opera- tion.The feature information including feature tree,dimensions and constraints,which will be lost in traditional data conver- sion,as well as geometry are converted completely from source CAD system to destination one.So the transferred model can be edit- ed through feature operation,which cannot be implemented by general model-exchange interface.
  • . 2006, (S2):  121-125. 
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    CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning) has already become the bottleneck of CAD/CAM system.Present two- dimensional CAPP system which is used in the enterprise needs to be input information and data again,because it can not draw data from CAD(Computer Aided Design) model automatically after building CAD model and drawing.This has influenced extensive use of CAPP system because of its low efficiency.In this paper,three-dimensional model is built by using the parametric method, the process file cart be produced directly through drawing corresponding characteristic and parameter from the model with the aid of process database.This improves the efficiency of product development.Visual C++6.0 and SQL Server 2000 are used to devel- op WTJDCAPP prototype system based on component model and SolidWorks three-dimensional CAD platform.Engine valve-seat is taken as concrete object to validate of the technology.
  • . 2006, (S2):  126-131. 
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    Modern high speed machining (HSM) machine tools often operates at high speed and high feedrate with high ac- celerations,in order to deliver the rapid feed motion.This paper presents an interpolation algorithm to generate continuous quintic spline toolpaths,with a constant travel increment at each step,while the smoother accelerations and jerks of two-order curve are obtained.Then an approach for reducing the feedrate fluctuation in high speed spline interpolation is presented.The presented ap- proach has been validated to quickly,reliably and effective with the simulation.
  • . 2006, (S2):  132-135. 
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    When the explosive disposal robot traveling over a rough road,it will shake up and down,and generates dynamic loads.Furthermore,the jolt of the explosive disposal robot will result in oscillation and large inertia forces of the explosive,and will effect the stability of the grasped explosive,even cause the explosive slipping from the claw and falling to the ground,which seriously threats the saJety of the robot and around environment.A tracked explosive dispasal robot has been developed at South Chi- na University of Technology.This paper takes the explosive disposal robot and the grasped explosive as study object.Especially fo- cuses on the response analysis of the grasped explosive when the robot traveling over a rough road.Analyzing the vibration character- istic of the explosive and the effects of the robot moving speeds on the stability of the explosive.The dynamic response of the explosive is obtained by simulation,the results show that the velocity of the robot is a sensitivity influence factor on the oscillation of grasped explosive.
  • . 2006, (S2):  136-140. 
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    The reconstruction of free-form surface is a fundamental problem in digital manufacture.This article presents a novel solution to reconstructing free-form surface from an intensity image under the Lambertian reflection model,that is a method called shape from shading (SFS).Our approach is based on the two-dimensional cellular automata (CA),and fully uses the local information of both image and the reconstructed surface.After several iterations,the free-form surface corresponding to the input image is obtained.The encouraging results on both synthetic and real-world images are provided in this paper,and the perfor- mance of our algorithm is analyzed on synthetic images using mean and standard deviation of depth (Z) errors.
  • . 2006, (S2):  141-145. 
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    Business Marketing Management over the Internet has been receiving a“lot of ink”in current periodicals and to a lesser degree in academic literature.Practice changes so rapidly that principles emerging from last month's successes may need revi- sion before they are derived and printed.The emergence of electronic commerce has created a new business paradigm,one that pre- sents marketers with noteworthy opportunities and challenges.Perhaps the greatest impact is in the area of channel management. The top issue for many business-to-business (B2B) firms today is channel conflict.In this paper,we analyze the weakness of traditional place model at first.On the basis of it,we set forth the processes and advantages of direct place and indirect place un- der the environment of electronic commerce.Then this paper presents that we should develop association net,express net,service net and production net in order to create place advantage under the environment of electronic commerce.
  • . 2006, (S2):  146-151. 
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    Since domestic corporations firstly introduced into and implemented the Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT),how to scientifically evaluate the implementation effects of AMT has been an urgent problem.Through the review of for- eign relative studies,this paper constructs an indicator system used to evaluate the implementation effects of AMT.Operational performance,Organizational or managerial performance,Satisfactory performance,and Competitive performance are indicators of first level in the system,and 19 indicators of second level have been selected to estimate the implementation effects of AMT.In this study,a model based on Minkowski distance discriminance to select the specialists' opinion was designed to evaluate the indica- tor system,and the measure's validity and practicability was proved by a case study to a diesel engine factory.
  • . 2006, (S2):  152-156. 
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    A new type of parallel indexing cam mechanism is discovered.The composition of the cam profile is proposed and the formulas of the mechanism parameters are established by synthesis of its configuration and size.The equations for working pro- file and pressure angle of the cam are derived based on the inverse model and the derivative of pitch curve of cams.An example is given and demonstrates that it is available to design the new mechanism using the derived expressions.
  • . 2006, (S2):  157-161. 
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    The acquisition and processing of equipment information is pivotol to control and management of the automated storage and retrieval system.The work of this paper is based on the automatic storage and retrieval experimental system of Wuhan University of Technology.First,the output/input flow and the control information of storage/retrieval vehicle are studied and the plotting finite state machine model of the stacking crane is established.Then,the communication protocol between the center con- trol management computer and the PLC of stacking crane is designed.Finally,the stacking crane' s monitoring data,which in- clude operating time,running states and real-time position status,are gained by analyzing the communication protocol.The de- tailed program for the acquisition and processing of monitoring information is developed.This method is suitable for the equipment monitoring of the whole system,and provides a platform for studying the intelligent control and optimal scheduling strategies of AS/RS.
  • . 2006, (S2):  162-165. 
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    The CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) usually is been used to accomplish customized products by variant design or reusable design.In the CBR,retrieve is very important.A simple case retrieval method is been brought forward to retrieve a opti- mal prototype based on using inputted multi-parameters,it can be programmed easily.An example has been proved this method can find optimal prototype for new design task efficiently.
  • . 2006, (S2):  166-170. 
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    Because a ship model surface (SMS) is a large double-curved 3-D surface,the machining efficiency of the cur- rent handcraft manufacturing method are very low,and the precision is difficult to control also.In order to greatly improve the machining efficiency and precision of SMS,based on the CAD/CAM/CNC technology,this paper proposed a model of SMS digi- tal manufacturing system,which is composed of five functional modules (preprocess module,CAD module,CAM module,post- process module and CNC module),and a twin-skeg SMS as an example,the key technologies & design principle of the nodtules were investigated also Based on the above research works,the first set of 4-axis SMS Digital Manufacturing System in China has been successfully developed,which can reduce the machining time of the twin-skeg SMS from 30 working days needed for the cur- rent handcrafting manufacturing method to 8 hours now,and which can control more effectively the precision of SMS also.
  • . 2006, (S2):  171-175. 
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    In this paper,we propose a novel wavelet-domain digital image watermarking scheme on copyright protection based on network manufacture environment.It codes the watermarking with error correcting coding and encrypts the watermarking with chaotic encryption.It embeds the watermarking into the coefficients which have large absolute values in the middle-frequency parts got by Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) repeatedly.The extraction doesn't need the original image.Experiment results show that the proposed scheme is easy to implement,and has good robustness to some attacks,such as JPEG compression,average filtering,median filtering,wiener filtering,pepper (?) salt noise,especially to cropping and scaling.In order to solve the prob- lem of the copyright protection of the network manufacture production,the problems of digital image production such as tamper preventing and watermarking attacks preventing and so on are discussed.It solves the problems of manufacture information such as secure exchange and transmissions and production copyright protection and so on.
  • . 2006, (S2):  176-179. 
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    To the shortage of the traditional analysis methods about train impact,this paper put forward a new method us- ing autocorrelation theory and virtual instrument technology to analyze train impulse Using a double-MCU system,the accelera- tion signals were acquired at different speed by train,and were transmitted into PC through USB interface.Besides the impulse signals,the acquisition data included other useless signals.The autocorrelation function was small when trains run steadily,but was greater during train impact happened.So the autocorrelation function was adopted to distill the valid impulse data.After frequency domain analyzed and autocorrelation analyzed on the Virtual Instrument flat,a new train impulse grade assessment cri- terion was built,based on the correlation peak and the width of the peak.In experiment,the impulse signal was separated from noise signal well and truly,and the quantitative model of evaluating train impulse was believable.This system possessed a certain extent theory value and application value.
  • . 2006, (S2):  180-183. 
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    The development and application of new reliability models and methods are presented to analyze the system relia- bility of complex condition monitoring systems.The methods include a method analyzing failure modes of a type of redundant con- dition monitoring systems (RCMS) by invoking failure tree model,Markov modeling techniques for analyzing system reliability of RCMS,and methods for estimating Markov model parameters.Furthermore,a computing case is investigated and many conclu- sions upon this case are summarized.Results show that the method proposed here is practical and valuable for designing condition monitoring systems and their maintenance.
  • . 2006, (S2):  184-188. 
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    The design of large-scale machine system is a very complex problem.These design problems usually have a lot of design variables and constraints so that they are difficult to be solved rapidly and efficiently by using conventional methods.In this paper,a new multilevel design method oriented network environment is proposed,which maps the design problem of large-scale machine system into a hypergraph with degree of linking strength (DLS) between vertices.By decomposition of hypergraph,this method can divide the complex design problem into some small and simple subproblems that can be solved concurrently in a network.
  • . 2006, (S2):  189-195. 
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    This paper breaks through the old study pattern,emphasizing the important of economic analysis and put forward the analytic method.The paper compares mass customization to just-in-time,analyses the two facets which include production and distribution.The production facet is influence of the indirect cost,scale economy,experiences economy and dynamic alliance.The reduction of indirect cost is the innovation,which has special angle comparatively traditional economic analysis.There is gaming between satisfying customer special demand and deciding price.Mass customization emphasizes that customer must achieve to loyalty not only content without increasing extra service charge-faith in company and product.The paper sets forth the economics of scale e- conomy and dynamic alliance to embody the extensive economy.In addition it is another innovation that this paper analyses the de- fects of mass customization to evaluate the economic risk.Through comparing the traditional production mode,demonstrating the implement feasibility in company.That is mass customization has less economic risk whether or not.So the analysis proposes the evi- dences of the way of enterprise production.
  • . 2006, (S2):  196-200. 
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    The increasing applications of new materials such as high strength low alloy (HSAL) steels and aluminum alloy sheets have lead to greater focus on the surface deflections of auto body panels in the automobile industry in recent years.The finite element models of cylindrical shallow shell that can represent auto body panels are established.Numerical simulations of forming and unloading of cylindrical shallow shell are carried out.And a measurement and evaluation method of the surface deflection is introduced.The simulations of surface deflections with various blank homing forces (BHF) show great agreement with the experi- mental results.The influence laws of sheet thickness and material properties such as yield strengthσs,strain-hardening exponent n,anisotropy parameter r and strength coefficient k on the surface deflection are achieved by simulations,which give a basic refer- ence for controlling surface deflections.
  • . 2006, (S2):  201-204. 
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    Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMRs) are more and more widely used in advanced manufacturing.For real time tracking of WMRs,a novel way for real-time color image reconstruction based on Run Length Encoding (RLE) is present.In- dexed from a fast look up table (FLUT),color image can be encoded into multiple llne structures with different specified colors. Through object-oriented method,the RLE elements reconstruct the image features.Successful application of this technique for mo- bile robots identification is reported.
  • . 2006, (S2):  205-210. 
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    In this paper,we present an approach for smooth surface reconstructions interpolating triangular meshes with ar- bitrary topology and geometry.The approach is based on the well-known radial basis functions (RBFs) and the constructed surfaces are generalized thin-plate spline surfaces.Our algorithm first defines a pair of offset points for each vertex of a given mesh to en- hance the controUability of local geometry and to assure stability of the construction.A linear system is then solved by LU decomposi- tion and the implicit governing equation of interpolating surface is obtained.The constructed surfaces finally are visualized by a Marching Cubes based polygonizer.The approach provides a robust and efficient solution for smooth surface reconstruction from various 3 D meshes.
  • . 2006, (S2):  211-214. 
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    Perforation of tympanic membrane is one of the main reasons for both deafness and dyssaudia.We could improve and restore audition by restoring or replacing the tympanic membrane.So,whether you can make the spurious tympanic membrane successfully is one of the keys to a successful operation.Utilizing CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) measurement equipment, we measured tympanic membrane model precisely and digitally.We also analysed the measured data by point to surface and we have successfully reconstructed the CAD model of the spurious tympanic membrane.Using the model we have got,we schemed out the mold of spurious tympanic membrane.In addition,we utilized MasterCAM compiling CNC (Computerized Numerical Con- trol) code and simulating the course of working.Ultimately,we obtained the mold of spurious tympanic membrane.Our research in this article has great significance to the success of spurious tympanic membrane grafting operation.
  • . 2006, (S2):  215-218. 
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    The component of gear vibration signal is very complex,when a localized tooth defect such as a tooth crack is pre- sent,the engagement of the cracked tooth will induce an impulsive change with comparatively low energy to the gear mesh signal and the background noise.This paper presents a new comprehensive demodulation method which combined with amplitude envelop demodulation and phase demodulation to extract gear crack early fault.A mathematical model of gear vibration signal contain crack fault is put forward.Simulation results based on this model show that the new comprehensive demodulation method is more effective in finding fault and judging fault level then conventional single amplitude demodulation at present.
  • . 2006, (S2):  219-225. 
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    Aiming to share the information,knowledge and optimizing resource via collaborating with multiple external partners across their supply chains,the concept model and system framework of multi-enterprises collaborative resource planning (MECORP) are put forward.While there is Considerable pressure to improve the operation of MECORP system,their inherent complexity can make modelling a MECORP system a difficult task.Yet there could be considerable benefits in designing MECORP taking into account the operation of the system.In order to address the central research issue of developing of a methodology that can assist a manager in making decisions by modelling the operation of MECORP system.The methodology called process-oriented deci- sion model (PODM) is presented in the paper.This uses an abstracted network to model MECORP system.The MECORP system supported by PODM,can effective optimize the manifold resource,coordinate the relationship of multiple partners and assist deci- sion.Finally,an industry excample of MECORP system is described to illustrate the application of PODM.
  • . 2006, (S2):  226-230. 
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    In this paper,an experiment method for the Manufacturing Grid application system development in the single personal computer environment is proposed.The characteristic of the proposed method is constructing a full prototype Manufactur- ing Grid application system which is hosted on a single personal computer with the virtual machine technology.Firstly,it builds all the Manufacturing Grid physical resource nodes on an abstraction layer of a single personal computer with the virtual machine tech- nology.Secondly,all the virtual Manufacturing Grid resource nodes will be connected with virtual network and the application software will be deployed on each Manufacturing Grid nodes.Then,we can obtain a prototype Manufacturing Grid application system which is working in the single personal computer,and can carry on the experiment on this foundation.Compared with the known experiment methods for the Manufacturing Grid application system development,the proposed method has the advantages of the known methods,such as cost inexpensively,operation simple,and can get the confidence experiment result easily.The Manu- facturing Grid application system constructed with the proposed method has the high scalability,stability and reliability.It is can be migrated to the real application environment rapidly.
  • . 2006, (S2):  231-235. 
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    Traditional fault diagnosis systems of rolling mills mostly use single machine monitoring net,which leads the re- al-time data running only in the enterprise locally and can not monitor and manage the high-speed wire rolling mills between units, workshops and factories concentratedly.A new-type structure of remote diagnosis system for high-speed wire rolling mills is pre- sented in this paper.The signal processing,computer network and remote diagnosis etc techniques are used to predictive maintenance manage the rolling mills units in this system.The new structure reinforced the remote feedback function,made up the existing fault diagnosis systems' insufficiency in the extension and the function,promoted resource sharing and avoided the repeat develop- ment.The remote diagnosis example shows that the system can monitor and diagnose the fault information of remote machine timely and effectively.
  • . 2006, (S2):  236-239. 
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    This paper designed an embedded video monitoring system using DSP (Digital Signal Processing ) and ARM (Ad- vanced RISC Machine).This system is an important part of self-service operation of numerical control machine tools,At first the analog input signals from the CCD(Charge Coupled Device) camera are transformed into digital signals,and then output to the DSP system,where the video sequence is encoded according to the new generation image compressing standard called H.264.The code will be transmitted to the ARM system through xBus,and then be packed in the ARM system and transmitted to the client port through the gateway.Web technology,embedded technology and image compressing as well as coding technology are integrated in the system,which can be widely used in self-service operation of numerical control machine tools and intelligent robot control areas.
  • . 2006, (S2):  240-244. 
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    This paper introduces a CFD-aided optimal design method for duct nets.Based on the structured frame,this method can help to improve the dynamic performance in the inner flow field of hydraulic manifold blocks (HMB).With the grid from geometry model of structured duct nets and the initial and boundary conditions from testing,the transient inner flow field of HMB duct nets is simulated.Basic flow characteristics in duct nets are obtained.Important factors involved are discussed and the procedures are illustrated.
  • . 2006, (S2):  245-251. 
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    It is a key issue that constructing successful knowledge base to satisfy an efficient adaptive scheduling for the com- plex manufacturing system.Therefore,a hybrid artificial neural network (ANN)-based scheduling knowledge acquisition algo- rithm is presented in this paper.We combined genetic algorithm (GA) with simulated annealing (SA) to develop a hybrid opti- mization method,in which GA was introduced to present parallel search architecture and SA was introduced to increase escaping probability from local optima and ability to neighbor search.The hybrid method was utilized to resolve the optimal attributes subset of manufacturing system and determine the optimal topology and parameters of ANN under different scheduling objectives;ANN was used to evaluate the fitness of chromosome in the method and generate the scheduling knowledge after obtaining the optimal at- tributes subset,optimal ANN's topology and parameters.The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm pro- duces significant performance improvements over other machine learning-based algorithms.
  • . 2006, (S2):  252-255. 
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    Machining process data is the core of computer aided process planning application systems.It is also provides essen- tial content for product life cycle engineering.The character of CAPP that supports product LCE and virtual manufacturing is an- alyzed.The structure and content of machining process data concerning green manufacturing is also examined.A logic model of Machining Process Data has been built based on an object oriented approach,using UML technology and a physical model of machin- ing process data that utilizes XML technology.To realize the integration of design and process,an approach based on graph-based volume decomposition was apposed.Instead,to solve the problem of generation in the machining process,case-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning have been applied synthetically.Finally,the integration framework and interface that deal with the CAPP integration with CAD,CAM,PDM,and ERP are discussed.
  • . 2006, (S2):  256-258. 
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    Using ABAQUS FEM software,the Elastic-plastic with isotropic hardening model is applied to simulate 3D cylinder slab rolling forming in continuous casting (CC),the change of liquid core before slab solidification completely on soft re- duction process is studied,the analyse result shows the soft reduction technique can change the liquid core size,which is useful to cylinder slab forming in CC.
  • . 2006, (S2):  259-264. 
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    Forging die design is heavily dependent on engineers' experiences.But traditional AI technologies can barely pro- vide a standard knowledge representation style for knowledge transferring.This paper introduces ontology into forging die design. 3-layer forging die design ontology is built,which includes Meta-ontology,Domain-ontology and Bottom ontology.Further,by conceptualization,the concepts and their relations are formally addressed by primitives such as Term,Relation and Function etc, which are explicitly expressed by concept tree.Bottom ontology uses Knowledge Item and Prototype to represent and capture general knowledge for knowledge reuse and share.Forging die design ontology building approach is discussed for standard knowledge repre- sentation,knowledge mine and knowledge driven CAD design etc.And OWL language is employed for integration among different domain ontologies integration.Finally a locomotive forging die KBE system is presented to demonstrate this approach.
  • . 2006, (S2):  265-269. 
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    With the globalization and diversification of the market and the rapid development of Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI),the digital revolution of manufacturing is coming.One of the key technologies in digital manufacturing is product digital modeling.This paper firstly analyzes the information and features of the product digital model during each stage in the product whole lifecycle,then researches on the three critical technologies of digital modeling in digital man- ufacturing-product modeling,standard for the exchange of product model data and digital product data management.And the potential signification of the product digital model during the process of digital manufacturing is concluded-product digital model integrates primary features of each stage during the product whole lifecycle based on graphic features,applies STEP as data ex- change mechanism,and establishes PDM system to manage the large amount,complicated and dynamic product data to implement the product digital model data exchange,sharing and integration.
  • . 2006, (S2):  270-274. 
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    In this paper,a novel component based framework of test system is presented for the new requirements of dynamic changes of test functions and reconfiguration of test resources.The complexity of dynamic reconfiguration arises from the scale, redirection,extensibility and interconnection of components in test system.The paper is started by discussing the component assem- bly based framework which provide the open platform to the deploy of companents and then the script interpreter model is introduced to dynamically create the components and build the test system by analyzing XML based information of test system.A pipeline mod- el is presented to provide the data channels and behavior reflection among the components.Finally,a dynamic reconfigurable test system is implemented on the basis of COM and applied in the remote test and control system of CNC machine.
  • . 2006, (S2):  275-277. 
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    Based on the analysis on the previous research in virtual manufacturing and virtual enterprises,this paper pro- vides a novel architecture of networked manufacturing system around the cooperative design.The key technologies for synchronous cooperative design in networked manufacturing platform,such as the cooperative mechanism,cooperative rules,control authority conveyed,cooperative efficiency,are detailed,with which a synchronous cooperative design system is developed.Due to the cooper- ative efficiency is the major bottleneck of the synchronous cooperative design over Internet,this research details the test and experi- ment to demonstrate the practicality of the system.Finally the advantages of the system are illustrated compared with current soft- ware tools.
  • . 2006, (S2):  278-282. 
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    In order to make motion planning fitting practice,many characteristic of CNC trajectory motion are discussed, such as the geometric function,the motion and the time.It is found that the relation between orbit function and motional parame- ter,so the differential equation about the trajectory motion be set-up by the goal of trajectory motion.The actual motion process is defined as reference time to link planning and practice.Present a new movement planning method based on self-defining time.At rest state,the differential simultaneous equation can be calculated according geometric characteristic analysis,it can be get that simple function consisted of coordinate and reference time variants.At motive state,dynamic parameter can be worked out accord- ing practical value of reference time,It is proved by experiment and simulation that it is a good way to control geometry and motion comprehensively,to reduce computation times and to increase the ability of environmental adaptation for path planning
  • . 2006, (S2):  283-286. 
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    The Garment MTM enables to realize the individual and quick manufacture to meet the development of the per- fectly popular and various garment industry,whose core technology is to produce the individual and digital pattern,that is,get- ting the individual pattern-making according to the body information.It is relatively correct and wise to get the individual pattern by modifying the basic pattern and the experts in this field do their researches on this way.One vital and unsolved problem is that how to find the very pattern which is the closest to the customers in the pattern-database which determines the validity of the final pattern.We conclude a technology methods from body information to digital pattern,design the rule of seeking yards and pattern- modification,build the B-P system (the system of the quick manufacture technology of body information-digital pattern),set up the style database,yarn database,pattern database,the rule databases of seeking yards and pattern-modification.It is confirmed that the B-P system is available,the setting-up of all the databases in the system is reasonable and the final pattern is correct.
  • . 2006, (S2):  287-291. 
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    In this paper,an intelligent constraint programming system for manufacturing material resource planning (MMRP) was presented.It is aimed to tackling large,particularly combinatorial,problems during the MMRP process,which increasingly involves complex sets of objectives and constraints in today's industrial manufacturing.The system consists of a do- main-specific architecture,an algorithm library,and a pre-defined solution library,based on which intelligent agents can effi- ciently construct MMRP problem specifications,select suitable algorithms to solve problems,and evolve a population of solutions to- wards a Pareto-optimal frontier.Our system significantly improves the efficiency,effectiveness,and reliability of MMRP prob- lem solving.
  • . 2006, (S2):  292-295. 
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    The uncertain duration of each job in each machine in flow shop problem was regarded as an independent random variable and was described by mathematical expectation.And then,an immune based partheno-genetic algorithm was proposed by making use of concepts and principles introduced from immune system and genetic system in nature.In this method,processing se- quence of products could be expressed by the character encoding and each antibody represents a feasible schedule.Affinity was used to measure the matching degree between antibody and antigen.Then several antibodies producing operators,such as swopping,mov- ing,inverting,etc,were worked out.This algorithm was combined with evolution function of the genetic algorithm and density mechanism in organisms immune system.Promotion and inhibition of antibodies were realized by expected propagation ratio of an- tibodies,and in this way,premature convergence was improved.The simulation proved that this algorithm is effective.
  • . 2006, (S2):  296-300. 
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    Mass customization relates to the ability of providing individually designed products or services to customer with high process flexibility or integration.Literatures on mass customization have been focused on mechanism of MC,but little on cus- tomer order decoupling point selection.The aim of this paper is to present a model for customer order decoupling point selection of domain knowledge interactions between enterprises and customers in mass customization.Based on the analysis of other researchers' achievements combining the demand problems of customer and enterprise,a model of group decision for customer order decoupling point selection is constructed based on quality function deployment and multi-agent system.Considering relatively the decision mak- ers of independent functional departments as independent decision agents,a decision agent set is added as the third dimensionality to house of quality,the cubic quality function deployment is formed.The decision-making can be consisted of two procedures:the first one is to build each plane house of quality in various functional departments to express each opinions;the other is to evaluate and gather the foregoing sub-decisions by a new plane quality function deployment.Thus,department decision-making can well use its domain knowledge by ontology,and total decision-making can keep simple by avoiding too many customer requirements.
  • . 2006, (S2):  301-304. 
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    To study the mechanism of burnt damage of oil film bearing in high-speed wire rolling mill,reasonable tempera- ture sensors are designed and calibrated,pressure block of rolling mill has been transformed into pressure sensors.Online tempera- ture and load of oil film bearing in a domestic precision rolling F15 have been tested.Consequently,a large sum of valuable test data was obtained.The distributions rules of pressure and temperature under continuous online rolling state are recorded in detail. Theoretical and experimental results are beneficial to damage mechanism of oil film bearing,thus its service life could be pro- longed.Moreover,such results could provide an important reference for online test and control.
  • . 2006, (S2):  305-308. 
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    The initial and significant step in the design of a cellular manufacturing system is cell formation (CF).CF problem is proposed in this paper as a decision problem that determines to manufacture specified types of part in a manufacturing plant which machines and their associated parts are grouped together to form cell in a way that a concerned objective is optimized. For describing CF problem clearly,this paper firstly presents a review of cell formation problem from the view points of objective function.The CF problems are classified into three categories,which are cost oriented,flexibility oriented and grouping efficiency oriented CF problems.Then,the paper presents a comprehensive conceptual mathematical formulation describing the general cost problem and a decision variable for comprehensive describing routing flexibility and two trade-off questions in grouping efficiency issues.Finally,based on the review and discussion,the paper proposes five directions for future research in the CF field.
  • . 2006, (S2):  309-312. 
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    Computer supported collaborative design (CSCD) technology has been applied extensively with intensive market competition.The key technologies and problems of CSCD are analyzed and a CSCD design frame faced to product design is estab- lished.Then a CSCD system faced to radar key components is founded with Pro/INTRALINK software and re-exploiting technolo- gy.Some key processes are also designed,such as database management,work flow programming,information communication, file release,conflict identification and safety management.These will provide a reference for constructing a cooperative design en- vironment.
  • . 2006, (S2):  313-318. 
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    An analysis of the key factors affecting on the single production process job scheduling of the parts waiting for be- ing processed on the key equipments for SMEs (Small Manufacturing Enterprises) is given in this paper,which include interval number,real number and uncertain linguistic value.A kind of hybrid multi-attribute decision making method for the single pro- duction process job scheduling is presented in this paper,that the parts are firstly sorted about each factor,and then the total evalu- ative attributive value of each part is calculated with the method of weighted arithmetic average,and thus the part with the highest total evaluative attributive value is chosen for being processed firstly.The mathematic model corresponding to the method is set up in this paper.An example is studied in this paper,and the results of the example testify the correctness of this model.
  • . 2006, (S2):  319-323. 
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    Blades are one of the vital components and most difficulty in manufacturing of large hydro turbines.In order to cost-effectively and productively manufacture these kinds of blades,a series of digital techniques in manufacturing have been devel- oped,which includes digital design of hydro turbine blades based on manufacture' requirements,Computer-aided location and the machined error evaluation by using 3-dimensional digitized measuring,tool path generation strategy to meet requirements of en- hancing machining efficiency and controlling deviation in NC machining,tool path generation and NC machining simulation by es- tablishing a virtual NC machining environment for blades,and reasonable and feasible strategy and the systematic scheme for man- ufacturing of large blades by using 5-axis simultaneous CNC machining.The developed digital manufacture techniques have been successfully applied in manufacturing of both the large Kaplan and Francis hydraulic turbine blades;it shows that higher efficiency and the better surfaces finish accuracy can be achieved.
  • . 2006, (S2):  324-327. 
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    This article puts forward a scheduling method for nonlinear process plan shop floor.Task allocation and load bal- ance are realized by bidding mechanism.Though the agent interaction process,the execution of tasks is determined and the coherence of manufacturing decision is verified.The employment of heuristic index can help to optimize the system performance.
  • . 2006, (S2):  328-332. 
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    In order to understand the vibration characteristic of system structure of electronic equipment cabinet within the particular vibration frequency,the finite element analysis software-ANSYS is used to simulate the tests of random vibrations of the cabinet system and obtain the isopleths graph of deformation and stress of the cabinet.It can confirm maximum of deformation and stress of the cabinet and position happened.Through more analysis of the frequency response curve,which can confirm harm- ful consequences random vibrations caused and weak link of the cabinet structure.The numerical simulation results are in good a- greement with the experimental results.It shows that this research provides an efficient method for the anti-seismic design and the dynamic optimization design.
  • . 2006, (S2):  333-336. 
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    Machine vision is applied in defect detection system on PCB.The whole system structure and the principle of vision detection are introduced,while the detection method including image processing,detection and recognition algorithms are detailed. The simulation results demonstrate that through this method,four types of defects including short circuit,open circuit,protuber- ance and concavity on PCB circuit can be effectively inspected,located and recognized.
  • . 2006, (S2):  337-342. 
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    An intelligent design software system for the power station pipe-prefabrication (PPDS) has been developed in the paper,which is taking pipe material database as core and developed on the platform of AutoCAD and Borland C++. Whereas design and construction of power plants in China belong to different deportments,the input and recognition problem of pipeline system disposition chart must be solved firstly for the prefabrication design.Based on AI technology,the model fast building subsystem (MFBS) was established for entering the 3-D pipeline graph data,so that the problems of reconstruction of pipeline digital model and computer identification of original 2-D design data can be solved. The optimization design scheme in the pipe-prefabrication process has been studied and also the corresponding algorithm put forward.The technique and system mentioned can effectively raise the pipe-prefabrication design quality and efficiency in the con- struction of large scale power plants,reduce the period of design and the waste of raw material.PPCADS has still offered the functions such as the construction design for pipeline prefabricated process,the detailing drawing for manufacturing pipe section and automatic generating the technical files for the completed project.
  • . 2006, (S2):  343-346. 
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    This paper proposed an online monitoring and early-warning system of dynamic stress of crane metal structure, and designed this system's hardware,including sensor unit,data gathering unit,and controlling & processing unit of this sys- tem,and discussed the waterproof protection for resistance strain wafer and scheme of data gathering and transmission of dynamic strain gauge,moreover developed system software of real-time and online monitoring dynamic stress,including data gathering by DLL and data display & processing based on Visual C++.The system applies the dynamic strain gauge to gather the data of the stress,and communicates between PLC control system of crane and upper industrial computer,so that realize the real-time online monitoring and early-warning for crane's metal structure stress.The test results show this system carry on real time and online monitoring to dynamic stress of loud-bearing metal structure longly and stability,and can give an alarm and overload protection on time.So the system has good practice value.
  • . 2006, (S2):  347-352. 
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    In order to obtain digital design of complex mechanical product as optimal as possible in an efficient way,multi- discipline integrated design method is proposed,which integrates multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) into digital design process to design virtual prototype (VP) efficiently.Through combining MDO and multi-body system dynamics,MDO integra- tion platform,which takes VP as the core,is constructed.Then automated MDO design of VP is realized and changes of mechani- cal design project can be expressed intuitively during MDO design process.The proposed approach is also demonstrated by using inte- grated analyzing flow of vehicle engineering design.The result shows that the method not only can feasibly realize the MDO of VP, but also can solve the optimization problem of vehicle multi-body system dynamic performance.It can be adopted to the digital de- sign of other complex system.
  • . 2006, (S2):  353-355. 
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    An algorithm for approximating arbitrary NURBS curve with straight line is presented.Firstly,NURBS curve is acquired according to data points on the curve.Secondly,Approximating arbitrary NURBS curve is based on dichotomy.The resulting straight line approaches to the original curve with relatively fewer segments within the required tolerance.The example shows that the algorithm is simple and its approximation precision is high.The method is most useful in numerical control to drive the cutter along straight line or circular paths.
  • . 2006, (S2):  356-359. 
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    In this paper,based on the plastic forming large deformation theory and thermodynamic elastic-plastic FEM,the process of expanding and reducing tube was analyzed by using nonlinear finite element software MARC.The coupled thermal-me- chanical models for the thermal-extrusion tube process were established,and the dynamic simulation to them was carried out.By the study on 3 D deformation regulation of the thermal-extrusion tube,the distribution of stress,strain and the curves between the force of extrusion and the distance were obtained.As a result,with only a small quantity of necessary experiments,the select of the schemes and parameters can conveniently be performed in the computers.So,not only large numbers of experiments can be avoided, but also trial-manufacture period is consumedly shortened and some costs may be saved.In addition,in order to validate our nu- merical calculation,an experiment of the tube made of 20 steel is presented in this paper.Good agreement is shown between mea- sured and predicted results of the theoretical analysis model.The study provides a scientific basis for parametric optimizations of the thermal extrusion expanding and reducing tube production equipment.At the same time,the method used in the present paper has important referential value for studying the similar thermal extrusion parts.
  • . 2006, (S2):  360-363. 
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    Due to lacking of test-data and field-data in reliability research during the design stage of manufacturing cell sys- tem.The degree of manufacturing cell system reliability research is increased.In order to deal with the deficient data and the un- certainty occurred from analysis and judgment,the paper discussed a method for studying reliability of manufacturing cell system through the analysis of fuzzy fault tree,which was based on triangular fuzzy number.At last,calculation case indicated that it would have great significance for ascertaining reliability index,maintenance and establishing keeping strategy towards manufac- turing cell system.
  • . 2006, (S2):  364-366. 
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    This paper presents a dynamic simulation model,based on noise,to simulate fabric flagging in the wind.The wind noise is generated by two sine functions defined in advance.The frequencies and amplitudes of these sine functions are change- able to presenting the basic model of the fabric.In order to obtain more fabric fluctuant effect,we adopt a cosine function to achieve the fabric dynamic display effect.In the actual process,the traditional Phong illumination model is improved.Therefore, the model of simulating fabric flagging in the wind can be built successfully.Comparison with the physical model shows that it is a fast arithmetic because of adopting a new model in stead of the time consuming iteration arithmetic.It can achieve a friendly de- sign interface and an ideal simulation effect.Designers can select wind force and fabric material by controlling different parame- ters.The basic characteristics of fabric swaying in the wind are simulated efficiently and displayed vividly.
  • . 2006, (S2):  367-371. 
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    Based on the internet technology,it has become possible to complete remote monitoring and fault diagnosis for the numerical control machine.In order to capture the micro-shock signal induced by the incipient fault on the rotating parts,the reso- nance demodulation technology is utilized in the system.As a subsystem of the remote monitoring system,the embedded data acquisi- tion instrument not only integrates the demodulation board but also complete the collection and preprocess of monitoring data from different machines.Furthermore,through connecting to the internet,the data can be transferred to the remote diagnosis center and data reading and writing function can be finished in the database.At the same time,the problem of the IP address floating in the dial-up of web server is solved by the dynamic DNS technology.Finally,the remote diagnosis software developed on the Lab VIEW platform can analyze the monitoring data from manufacturing field.The research results have indicated that the equipment status can be monitored by the system effectively.
  • . 2006, (S2):  372-376. 
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    Process capability indices have been widely used in the manufacturing industry,providing numerical measures on process precision,process accuracy,and process performance.Capability measures for processes with a single characteristic have been investigated extensively.However,capability measures for processes with multiple characteristics are comparatively neglected. In this paper,inspired by the approach and model of process capability index investigated by K.S.Chen et al.(2003) and A.B. Yeh et al.(1998),a note model of multivariate process capability index based on non-conformity is presented.As for this index, the data of each single characteristic don't require satisfying normal distribution,of which its computing is simple and particioners will not fell too theoretical.At last the application analysis is made.
  • . 2006, (S2):  377-381. 
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    A structure innovation on the loading/unloading equipment for MSW (municipal solid waste) container was de- signed.By disposing chain transmission perpendicularly,the loading/unloading equipment for MSW container was developed by linear movement part of the chain transmission.Effect of transmission mechanism on the motion stability of chain transmission was discussed.The relation between chain sag,chain length and chain pitch numbers was studied,and the calculation equation of chain sag by perpendicularly disposing chain transmission was deduced.The relation curve between allowed abrasion ratio and pitch numbers of chain was studied,the reason for tooth-leap was analyzed,and new equipment of preventing tooth-leap was put for- ward.Loading/unloading devices equipped with new transmission mechanism have been made into products,and this structure in- novation has been applied in practice largely.It made considerable economic and social benefit.
  • . 2006, (S2):  382-385. 
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    This paper presents a new approach based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for solving the drilling path optimization problem belonging to discrete space.Because the standard PSO algorithm is not guaranteed to be global convergence or local convergence,based on the mathematical algorithm model,the algorithm is improved by adopting the method of generate the stop evolution particle over again to get the ability of convergence to the global optimization solution.And the operators are improved by establishing the duality transposition method and the handle manner for the elements of the operator,the improved operator can satisfy the need of integer coding in drilling path optimization.The experiment with small node numbers indicates that the improved algorithm has the characteristics of easy realize,fast convergence speed,and better global convergence characteris- tics.hence the new PSO can play a role in solving the problem of drilling path optimization in drilling holes.
  • . 2006, (S2):  386-390. 
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    The ability to detect a new fault class can be a useful feature for an intelligent fault classification and diagnosis system.We adopt two novelty detection methods,the support vector data description (SVDD) and the Parzen density estimation, to represent known fault class samples,and to detect new fault class samples.The experiments on real multi-class bearing fault data show that the SVDD can give both high novelty detection rate and target recognition rate,respectively for the prescribed' un- known' fault samples and the known fault samples by choosing the appropriate SVDD algorithm parameters;but the Parzen densi- ty estimation only give a better novelty detection rate in our experiments.
  • . 2006, (S2):  391-395. 
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    In order to solve the low efficiency and poor precision problems of traditional ink control methods on domestic offset printers,developing modern ink automatic control system has become more and more urgent.As an important subsystem,the hu- man computer interface (HCI) is a key function for the wholly automatic control.Once this goal is obtained,all the printing pro- cedures especially the automatic control of ink volume should be finished with human computer interface in different areas.consid- ering the HCI design theory and structure characteristics of domestic printers comprehensively,the HCI prototype for automatic ink control system has been developed based on Visual Basic platform.As the individual ink key is instead of the integrated key,the di- vision result of ink fountain can be displayed on the interface.Through the interface,the dynamic adjusting functions such as mod- ifying ink volume,locking or unlocking each ink key and real-time displaying the adjusting results etc.can be completed.The sim- ulation test has shown that the opening and practical feature of the prototype is satisfactory.
  • . 2006, (S2):  396-401. 
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    The novel winding machine adopted steam inside solidification technics,can wind,solidify and extract high- pressure fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) pipelines in one single machine.Its control system consisted of the winding and extraction subsystem and the steam inside solidification subsystem.In order to improve the control precision and stability,a real-time control method was adopted in the winding and extraction subsystem.In this method,high-precision TRIO motion controller combined with industrial personal computer (IPC) forms an open-type CNC system which supports multitask.The Modbus protocol was adopted for the communication between the IPC and TRIO motion controller.The human-machine interface (HMI) was developed with VC++6.0 and the control software of the motion controller was developed with TRIO BASIC language.In the steam in- side solidification subsystem,embedded IPC and PLC were used to realize the closed-loop control of the steam temperature and the HMI was developed with MCGS 5.1 under WinCE.Practices show that this system has the good performances of high precision, good stability and high efficiency.
  • . 2006, (S2):  402-402. 
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    1 Manuscripts, in triplicate and in English, should be submitted to one of the executive Editors or Editor in Chief. All contributions will be subject to critical review prior to acceptance and publication. 2 Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.